JavaScript Object Pro Tips

Rahul Kaklotar
3 min readOct 21, 2023


JavaScript Object Pro Tips

Let’s break down each of the JavaScript object tips with step-by-step explanations:

Creating Objects:

Step 1: To create an object, you start with an empty container, like a box or a bag. In JavaScript, we use curly braces {} to create an empty object.

Step 2: Give your object a name, like “person,” and set it equal to the curly braces.


// Step 1: Create an empty object.
let person = {}; // This is your container called 'person.'

Adding Stuff:

Step 1: Imagine you have a label (the key) and something you want to put inside your box (the value).

Step 2: Use the key (label) and the = sign to set the value inside the object.


// Step 1: Think of a label (key) and something to put inside your 'person' box.
let nameKey = "name"; // The label is 'name.'
let nameValue = "John"; // The thing you want to put inside is "John."

// Step 2: Put the 'name' and 'John' inside your 'person' box.
person[nameKey] = nameValue;

Accessing Stuff:

Step 1: Think of the key (label) for the thing you want to get.

Step 2: Use the key to open the box and get the thing (value) inside.


// Step 1: Think of the key, which is 'name' in this case.

// Step 2: Open the 'person' box with the 'name' key to get what's inside.
let name = person["name"]; // This sets 'name' to "John."

Nested Objects:

Step 1: Imagine you have a bigger box (the outer object) and a smaller box (the inner object).

Step 2: Put the smaller box (inner object) inside the bigger box (outer object) using a key.


// Step 1: Think of a big box (outer object) and a small box (inner object).

// Step 2: Put the small box (inner object) inside the big box (outer object) with a key.
person.address = {
city: "New York",
street: "123 Main St"

Removing Stuff:

Step 1: Think of the key of the thing you want to remove.

Step 2: Use the delete keyword followed by the key to remove it from the object.


// Step 1: Think of the key you want to remove, which is 'age' in this case.

// Step 2: Use the 'delete' keyword with the key to remove it from the 'person' object.
delete person.age; // Removes the 'age' from 'person.'

Checking if Stuff Exists:

Step 1: Think of the key you want to check if it exists.

Step 2: Use the hasOwnProperty method to see if the object has that key.


// Step 1: Think of the key you want to check, like 'name.'

// Step 2: Use 'hasOwnProperty' to check if 'person' has the 'name' key.
if (person.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
// Do something because 'name' exists in 'person.'

Looping Through an Object:

Step 1: Imagine you’re going through all the keys in your object, like flipping through pages in a book.

Step 2: Use a loop to go through each key and get the value for that key.


// Step 1: Imagine going through the keys in 'person.'

// Step 2: Use a '' loop to do just that.
for (let key in person) {
console.log(key, person[key]); // Prints the key and its value.

Object Methods:

Step 1: Think of a function (like a mini-program) you want to put inside your object.

Step 2: Add the function as a value with a key inside your object.


// Step 1: Think of a function, like 'sayHello,' that you want to add.

// Step 2: Add the 'sayHello' function to 'person' with a key.
person.sayHello = function() {
console.log("Hello, I'm " +;

// You can call this function with person.sayHello().

Copying Objects:

To copy an object, you can use the spread operator ({...}) or the Object.assign method to duplicate all the stuff (keys and values) from one object to another.

Object Shorthand:

When creating objects, you can use a shorthand notation where the variable name becomes the key if they have the same name.


let name = "Alice";
let age = 25;
let person = { name, age }; // This is a shorter way of writing { name: name, age: age }.

I hope these step-by-step explanations help you understand JavaScript objects better, just like putting stuff in boxes with labels!



Rahul Kaklotar

I'm front-end developer with 4 years of expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React. Passionate about creating user-friendly websites with a sharp eye for detail.