
3 min readMay 24, 2023


Nabilah Humaira,

The kindest soul, who has a lof of love and kind words in her mind. She just.. effortlessly pretty. All the thing she does mean something for every soul in this whole world.

Joyous Birthday, Nabilah.

Her existence is like the brightest star. Her smile is a serotonin boost for people around her. The way she talks, the way she treats, the way she walks, and the way she got ‘salting’ are iconic. I mean, siapa lagi yang ketawanya kayak bapak-bapak, selain Nebul.


Atau, siapa lagi yang saltingnya deketin papan tulis, nunjuk hp sambil marah-marah, selain Nebul.


Oh, you said that i look like ‘pohon’ (IM SO EMOTIONAL ABOUT THIS) okay let me explain about you more. I ever said that you look like a cloud, kan??? I didn’t lie about it. You protect people from the hot sun. You’re on the ground, but people can reach you because yes, you’re the little sun we must protect (i ever said this too, am i?) then, even people can’t touch you- because you’re a cloud, they can feel how soft you are. I’m pretty (fucking) sure, they’re glad you’re here. Including me. :D

I’m so grateful that you were born.

I never expected kalau kita bisa temenan sampai sedeket ini, aku pikir tuh, aku bakal sendirian aja di masa SMA ini :D since i kinda hate people karena ya… pas SMP agak jelek. I still remember, waktu aku kena marah bu Nia and you hugged me, itu kelas 10. SUER YA, it means a loooot. Ueueue, aku nangis bingit. Thank you for that, and thank you for always hugging me. YOU NEED TO KNOW, im crying while writing this. T ___ T i wanted you to feel how much people love you, how much people want to protect you, how much people want to seeing you always smile. That smile, is valuable.

I’m thanking you because you’re still there.

Honestly, aku bukan orang yang terbuka banget. Aku juga gak bisa mengutarakan kata-kata langsung lewat lisan, sebab bisanya cuma langsung nangis. x ___ x SO I DECIDED TO WRITE THIS. You deserve it!!! ♡⁠‿⁠♡

I assure you, you’re loved.

I’m not that one friend yang bakal selaluuuu ada kapanpun kamu butuh, but i’ll try to always by your side. Bukan cuma aku, ada yang lain! Kalau disebutin satu-satu, kebanyakan dah. The real social butterfly aku rasa lu nih.

I’m sure, you’re not alone.

DUH, gak tau mau ngomong apalagi uehueue, even words can’t help me to describe about this one angel in person. But please, bahagia teruuuus, ya? Huhuhu, aku gak mau kamu dijahatin. I want to hush huuuuush the sadness if it’s coming to you, i’m a witch. 🧹🧹🧹 Oh iyaaa, katanya, kalau bisa nanti kita double date??? AHAHAHA SINTING MIKIRINNUA JUGA.

Hopefully it’ll come true. u ___ u

Last, but not least.

Wishing you have a good life, as you are to others (I swear you’re the kindest person on earth) so, heaven will never denied you. Aku selalu hargain semua momen kita, so i hope kita gak kepisah : ( kamu jadi temenku teruuuus, aku juga berdo’a supaya kamu sehat teruuus, dan semoga semuaaa mimpi Nebul bakal kecapai!! Aku berharap juga bisa liat kamu capai itu secara langsung. Do’a baikku, semuanya, ada buat Nebul. Makasih banyak buat semuanyaaaaa. *scream*

I want you to remember, Ala loves you. And always do.

Well, Taylor Swift was right, it’s nice to have a friend. ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ

