The Ultimate Guide To Become A Mermaid.

Kaleab Mid
12 min readJul 6, 2018


Recall your days spent wondering what life is like under the sea. No matter how hard you tried to snap out of that thought, you couldn’t help it but find yourself there. Even the bad weather outside didn’t stop you from your neeed to become a mermaid.

Here you will find the ultimate easy guide to transforming yourself into a mermaid. This guide will spiral your life as a human into a fantastic, adventurous mermaid life.

The process of transformation takes four phases. Each step brings you closer to the mermaid you want to be and finally, you will transform into one. How fast you turn into a mermaid depends on how bad you wanna be a mermaid and how much effort you put into it. As long as you do exactly what I tell you to do here, you will find yourself connected to your inner mermaid and you will be that mermaid. I am sure you will find the transformation fun and adventurous.

In the First Phase, you will work on your inside, connect with your inner mermaid personality. What kind of mermaid you are, it is all about getting the mindset of a mermaid.

The Second Phase is about the outside. At this stage, you will learn how to bring out your mermaid side to the world.

The Third Phase, this phase is more than just being a mermaid. It is about creating a lifestyle and affecting other creatures life, giving it more meaning to your desire as a mermaid. It is about creating the environment, building an aura of mermaids wherever you go and affecting the lives of others mermaids that will immerse you in a whole new mermaid life experience.

And at last, the Fourth Phase of the transformation is well…the transformation(got to come up with a different name). This is the last and the main stage into fully transforming into a mermaid. In this stage, you will transform yourself into a half human and half fish with one simple trick.

All who read, understand and apply this guide will be better prepared to attract and enjoy a mermaid lifestyle which will be denied to all except those who are ready for it.

Be prepared, therefore, when you become a mermaid, to experience a changed life which may help not only to live your fantasy but also to prepare you for a peace of mind and accumulation of mental satisfaction. You will feel all this as you go through the first phase.

with that being said, let’s head on to the first phase.

First Phase: The Inside

Everything begins from within, what is not inside you, you can’t bring it to the world. Every mermaid wannabes have their own unique inspiration for falling in love with mermaids, not just that to even become a mermaid. This is the most important thing to know on your quest to become a mermaid. You need to ask yourself why?

For most, movies like the little mermaid and splash have a big impact on wanting to become a mermaid. now these mermaids are fictional and just like any other characters in the movies they are omnipotent, this guide is not guaranteed to turn you into those mermaids but something close to them.

Once you realize what your inspiration is to become a mermaid, you need to get the right mindset.

Picture in your mind the able, earnest, useful mermaid you desire to be and the thought you hold is hourly transforming you into that particular individual mermaid you want to be. A thought is supreme; to think rightly is to create.

Whenever you go out of doors, draw the chin in carrying the crown of the head high and fill the lung to the utmost, drink in the sunshine, great the ocean and your friends with a smile put a soul into your every thought and swim. Do not fear being misunderstood for your desire of being a mermaid wannabe. As the days go gliding away, you will find yourself unconsciously seizing upon the opportunities that are required for the fulfillment of your fantasy, just as the coral insects take from the running tide the element it needs.

Are you getting the right mindset?

To get a mermaid mindset is to become a mermaid.

Here are a few other things you can do to strengthen your thought of the mermaid you wannabe.

1.1, Watch mermaid movies.

You know what they say; “movies are a reflection of the real world…”

Watch the movies such as The little mermaid, Aquamarine, Splash… Observe the pattern of the main characters(the mermaids) in the movies and imitate their actions.

1.2 Follow real-life mermaids for inspiration.

Before I go deep into this stage I want to tell you that I have got good news.

The Good news is You are not the only one who wants to become a mermaid. In fact, there is a whole community of Merfolks and Mermaid Wannabes. So, if anyone ever says you are a baby for having such a dream, show them this and shut their mouth.

These are real-life mermaids and they live… well by mermaiding. these are people who do mermaiding for a living. Just like you, these mermaids have turned their dreams into reality, let them inspire you. Some of these professional mermaids you can follow are

Hannah Fraser

Hannah is a professional mermaid creating an impact worldwide with her mermaid tails. born from the 70’s rock legend Andy Fraser of the band FREE, and her mother Ri Fraser who is also an artist, meditation and yoga teacher, healer and counselor. no wonder where Hannah’s creativity came from.

she is the spokesperson and poster-girl for many of the world’s largest ocean conservation and marine mammal protection societies as well as a frontline activist for the protection of whales and dolphins.

one of her upcoming projects is tears of a mermaid. it is about the lifestyle of a mermaid and the adventure of Hannah underwater with the ocean animals.

For more inspiration from Hannah, watch the movies she has participated in like

1.3, Give yourself a mermaid name.

Let me ask you a question?

What happens to you when someone calls your name out loud?

Let me save you the trouble of thinking and tell you this.

It creates a sense of well being in the area of the brain that creates self-awareness.

Having a unique mermaid name makes you aware of the mermaid you are.

It is also more convincing to have a mermaid name when you are trying to become one.

If you want a list of mermaid names with their meanings to choose from, check this out.

Second Phase: The outside

You have now the mermaid mindset, you know what kind of mermaid you are and, am going to be honest with you, sometimes you wanna show off the things you have, not that you want to brag or something but rather because you are proud of it.

Being a mermaid wannabe is something to be proud of and you should own it. This phase lets you have exactly that. It takes your inner mermaid out, embodies you with a look of a mermaid and shows it to the world.


2.1, Get the look of a mermaid.

“Darwin may have been quite correct in his theory that man descended from the apes of the forest, but surely woman rose from the frothy sea as resplendent as Aphrodite on her scalloped chariot.”
-Margot Datz, A survival guide for landlocks mermaids.

You know it and I know it too, one of the thing that is so alluring about mermaids is their beauty. Their long hair and sparkling eyes are some of the common features.

How can you have such beauty?

1, grow your hair long and dye it.

Mermaids are well known for this particular feature.

Try to grow your hair below your shoulders or wear a wig with a sea-themed color like blue, purple or red like mermaid Ariel.

Add a beachy accessory to your hair to finish it off and also you can add a fake starfish, coral calms and a salty spray to look like you just got out of the ocean.

But if you don’t want to wear a wig it is alright.

Mermaids are into different hairstyle as much as humans are and also in some movies like the little mermaid, Ariel has a red hair and in movies like the Pirates of the Caribbean the mermaids have the same colour just like what we see on dry land, so dying your hair is an option too, just take care of your hair and be true to yourself.

2, the face.

There are a few makeups you can put on to get the look of a mermaid. But this makeups should be sensible. Use waterproof eyeliners and mascara. Add long eyelashes and use silver shadow eyeliners to create an out of this terrestrial realm appearance.

3, paint your nails and toes to match the sea, add scale designs to your nails.

Take your mermaid look to the next level with this guide.

2.2, Take mermaid classes.

It is now time to train your body a new swimming skill. Your swimming skill should be impeccable and you should be comfortable underwater to become a mermaid.

Mermaid swimming (mermaiding) is a little different than the usual swimming skill.
In the pool, you should feel free. Feel like there is nothing else more important than swimming and enjoy every moment.

You will be swimming with your legs and feets tied together using your core muscles to propel yourself.

It will benefit you if you can do 360-degree turn underwater.

Develop the the dolphin kick swimming skill as that is the major skill required to swim like a mermaid.

Rolling from front float to back float will be seamless.

Besides that, you need to work on your underwater breathing skills.

If you are feeling like these are too many skills to master, lucky for you there are a lot of mermaid schools out there to teach you the right skill sets.

Benefits of joining a mermaid class.

  • They will make acquiring those skills effortlessly.
  • You can connect with other fellow mermaid wannabes like yourself and widen your network.
  • Will teach you breathing techniques and safety skills.
  • Will teach you mermaid tricks like loops, rolls, and spins.

Third Phase: The Environment

“In life, you might be strong or lucky enough to have the things you have dreamt of and for that, you might and should be happy, but you will find the meaning in your life only when you help others around you achieve their dreams too.”
— My Father.

My father told me this when I was 13, by the time it was just a father-son talk. But after his death right the same year I have used it as my life principle and now that I was lucky enough to be a merman for a few minutes of my life, I have made this guide to help your dreams come true too and wish to fully immerse myself in this world and influence what is around me.

This phase is about protecting your environment. It is about being influential with your mermaid attitude and also increasing your mermaid networks to create the environment and that is why I love this stage.

Below are ways to be an influential mermaid, widen your network and create a mermaid environment.

3.1, Get to know the ocean

“The ocean is our lifeblood. If we mess it up with pollution, overfishing, and killing these incredible species that hold the knowledge and the wisdom of the ocean, it’s only a matter of years before the rest of civilization crumbles. we can’t survive without the ocean. it’s the womb of the world. we are 70% water. we must realize that we have a completely symbiotic relationship with the ocean.”

Hannah Fraser.

You are a mermaid. There is no one better than you to stand up for the protection of the lives under the ocean. There is no one better than you to enunciate and communicate with the ocean.

By being a mermaid you can bring a unique and appealing way to the preservation of the ocean. Consequently, you will prevent marine pollution and overfishing.

If you want to participate in ocean conservation, visit the following ocean conservation contributors.

Get to know about the sea and the ocean, you shouldn’t stutter when people ask you about the ocean.

Get to know more about the ocean. Spend more time at the seashore. I advise this because the more you spend your time at the oceans the more you will feel like you are meant to be in the ocean.

Always be close to your dreams.

Make your friends believe you love the water by offering to go to the beach or the pool rather than other place every time a friend asks what to do or where to go? And when it is time to leave, don’t act so desperate to get out of the water.

3.2 Mermaid Camps

Mermaid camps are attraction places where you can see fellow merfolks perform underwater performance in an aquarium-like setting. You learn to become a mermaid from those who are a mermaid.

By participating in this mermaid camps you create your environment of merfolks. You increase your network while you connect with your Inner mermaid.

There aren’t many mermaid camps as mermaid schools, but one of the well known and has been an attraction since 1947 is the Weeki Wachee Springs.

Sirens of the Deep mermaid camp is a 2-day mermaid camp held every weekend at the weeki wachee springs.

Other list of mermaid camps similarly to Weeki Wachee Springs is
The moon mermaid.

Fourth Phase: The transformation

Hey, weeks or month or even a year ago you were watching the little mermaid or any mermaid related movie and little did you know your dream will come true right?

All the above changes have led to this one particular but crucial stage of the transformation. At first, you have taken on a journey of getting the right mindset. Then figured out what kind of a mermaid you are. You even followed real-life mermaids to inspire you, got yourself a look of a mermaid and not just that. Besides that you have even created the environment and affected the lives of other creatures in the ocean.

Now imagine how you could take the world by storm by being a mermaid. How you can slap them in the face with your tail fin the people who diminished your dream. Lure the person you admire with your beauty. Now, it is time for you to be the change you want to see.

The final step to becoming a mermaid is to sprout a mermaid tail.

Mermaid tails are designed to give you the look and feel of a mermaid. A mermaid tail has three parts. The tail body(which is the main part of the mermaid tail and is where all the creative design is put to give you the look of a mermaid ). A fluke( is the part of a mermaid tail that looks like a fish tail ) and, a monofin(is designed like the fluke to fit into it and to fit both of your feets in so you can tap on the water like a real mermaid).

As soon as you wear a mermaid tail, your thighs become close as if they are merging together. Your legs are covered and tied together almost making it feel like they disappeared. The monofin gives you a fish tail look which gives you a look of a mermaid.

People now a days don’t just wear a mermaid tail for the fun of it. But also to make a movement with it. As I mentioned earlier, there are people who have taken this really serious.

High quality fabric with fish scale prints on it are used to give realistic looking mermaid tail. The experience is unforgettable…

But ,

Yes there is a big BUT.

it is not me. Where there is an epic moment in life, there are sharks( self centered, inconsiderate people) swimming around us sniffing to see if we are bleeding money for this fantasy. so they can come with their teeths sharp and tapping real hard on the water to finish whatever is left.

And the thing is

Finding a mermaid tail that goes with the type of mermaid you are could feel like throwing yourself into the ocean full of this sharks, that is why I don’t want to leave you out there to drown and get you eaten by this sharks. Whatever your journey, I not only want to help you find the best mermaid tail in the market, but I also want to try and help you in your venture long after you have purchased the mermaid tails.

Congratulations you have completed the ultimate tutorial of becoming a mermaid. From this second one is to live a life of a mermaid, spend more time at the ocean or near water bodies(could be the pool), to wave your tail and participate in ocean conservation and make your life mermaid surrounded by interacting with fellow mermaids offline and online. You can start widening your network of mermaids by sharing your journey here in the comments with other mermaid wannabes.

Originally published at on July 6, 2018.

