How to Reduce iOS Mobile App IPA File Size

Kalidoss Shanmugam
4 min readJul 8, 2024



The size of an iOS app’s IPA (iOS App Store Package) file is crucial for performance, user experience, and adoption rate. Large IPA files can lead to longer download times, increased storage requirements, and may deter users from installing the app. This article explores strategies to reduce the size of your IPA file and the potential problems associated with large IPA files.

Problems with Large IPA Files

  1. Slow Downloads: Users with slower internet connections may face difficulties downloading large apps.
  2. Increased Data Usage: Large files consume more mobile data, which can be a deterrent for users with limited data plans.
  3. Storage Issues: Large apps take up more space on devices, leading to potential storage management problems for users.
  4. App Store Limitations: There are size limits for app downloads over cellular networks (200 MB limit as of now), which can hinder the adoption of larger apps.
  5. Slower App Updates: Large apps take longer to update, which can delay users from accessing new features or fixes.
  6. Poor Performance: Larger apps may suffer from slower load times and reduced performance.
  7. Battery Drain: Large and resource-intensive apps can lead to increased battery consumption.
  8. Higher Costs: For developers, larger apps can result in higher costs for storage and bandwidth.
  9. Complex Maintenance: Managing and updating large apps can be more complex and time-consuming.
  10. User Drop-off: Potential users might abandon the installation process if the download takes too long or if the app consumes too much storage.

Strategies to Reduce IPA File Size

Remove Unused Resources

  • Problem: The app contains images, assets, and files that are not used anywhere in the app, increasing the IPA size unnecessarily.
  • Solution: Identify and remove unused resources using Xcode’s tools or third-party analyzers.
# Solution: Use Xcode's built-in tools to find and remove unused resources.
# Example: Remove unused images from the asset catalog.
// Solution: Remove references to unused assets from your code.
let unusedImage = UIImage(named: "unused_image") // This line should be removed.

Optimize Images and Assets

  • Problem: High-resolution images that are not optimized can bloat the IPA size.
  • Solution: Compress images using tools like ImageOptim or opt for more efficient formats.
// Problem: Using large, uncompressed images.
let largeImage = UIImage(named: "large_image.png")

// Solution: Compress the image and use a more efficient format.
let compressedImage = UIImage(named: "large_image_compressed.webp")

Use Asset Catalogs

  • Problem: Images are not consolidated into asset catalogs, leading to redundancy.
  • Solution: Use asset catalogs to manage image assets efficiently.
// Problem: Directly referencing image files without using asset catalogs.
let image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: "path/to/image.png")

// Solution: Use asset catalogs to manage images.
let catalogImage = UIImage(named: "catalog_image")

Remove Unused Code

  • Problem: Dead code and functions that are not used increase the binary size.
  • Solution: Use static analysis tools like SwiftLint to detect and remove unused code.
// Problem: Unused functions and methods.
func unusedFunction() {
// This function is never called and should be removed.

// Solution: Remove unused functions.

Minimize Third-Party Libraries

  • Problem: Including large libraries that are not essential to the app’s core functionality.
  • Solution: Evaluate third-party libraries and use only necessary ones. Opt for lightweight alternatives or custom implementations.
// Problem: Including a large library for a simple task.
import LargeLibrary

// Solution: Use a lightweight alternative or implement custom functionality.
func customFunction() {
// Custom implementation

Enable Bitcode

  • Problem: Bitcode is not enabled, preventing App Store optimizations.
  • Solution: Enable Bitcode in Xcode settings.
// Solution: Enable Bitcode in Xcode.
# In Xcode, go to Build Settings -> Enable Bitcode -> Yes

Compress Audio and Video Files

  • Problem: Audio and video files are not compressed, increasing the app size.
  • Solution: Use tools to compress media files before including them in the app.
// Problem: Including uncompressed audio files.
let audioFile = "uncompressed_audio.mp3"

// Solution: Compress audio files using tools like FFmpeg.
let compressedAudioFile = "compressed_audio.mp3"

Split App into Modules

  • Problem: The app is built as a single, large binary, making it difficult to manage and optimize.
  • Solution: Split the app into smaller modules and use dynamic frameworks.
// Problem: Monolithic app structure.
import MonolithicFramework

// Solution: Modularize the app.
import FeatureModule
import CoreModule

Use On-Demand Resources

  • Problem: All resources are bundled with the app, even those not immediately needed.
  • Solution: Use On-Demand Resources (ODR) to download assets as needed.
// Problem: Bundling large resources with the app.
let largeResource = "large_resource.bundle"

// Solution: Use On-Demand Resources.
import Foundation

func downloadResource() {
let tag = "com.example.resources"
let resourceRequest = NSBundleResourceRequest(tags: Set(arrayLiteral: tag))
resourceRequest.beginAccessingResources { error in
guard error == nil else {
// Handle error
// Resources are available

Strip Debug Information and Exclude Unnecessary Architectures

  • Problem: Debug symbols and unnecessary architectures are included in the release build.
  • Solution: Strip debug symbols and exclude unnecessary architectures from the release build.
// Solution: Configure Xcode to strip debug symbols and exclude unnecessary architectures.
# In Xcode, go to Build Settings -> Debug Information Format -> DWARF with dSYM File (for Debug), DWARF (for Release)
# In Xcode, go to Build Settings -> Architectures -> Excluded Architectures -> Add unnecessary architectures (e.g., x86_64 for Release)


Reducing the size of your iOS app’s IPA file involves identifying and eliminating unnecessary resources, optimizing media files, modularizing the app, and leveraging Xcode’s optimization features. By addressing these problems with the provided solutions and code examples, you can create a more efficient and user-friendly app that meets both user expectations and App Store requirements.

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Kalidoss Shanmugam

Experienced mobile app developer with 11 years of expertise, focused on creating innovative solutions that elevate user experiences in today's digital landscap.