Swift Enums: Best Practices and Hidden Features

Kalidoss Shanmugam
5 min readJul 18, 2024



Swift enumerations (enums) are a powerful feature that provides a way to define a common type for a group of related values and enables you to work with those values in a type-safe way within your code. This article will delve into the best practices for using enumerations, explore some hidden features, and provide real-time examples, advantages, disadvantages, and solutions to common problems.

What are Enumerations in Swift?

Enumerations, also known as enums, are used to define a type-safe way of handling a group of related values. Each enumeration defines a common type for a group of related values and enables you to work with those values in a type-safe way within your code.

Basic Syntax:

enum CompassPoint {
case north
case south
case east
case west

Best Practices for Using Enumerations

Use Enumerations for Related Constants: Enumerations are perfect for defining a set of related constants, such as days of the week, directions, or states.

enum DayOfWeek {
case monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday

Utilize Raw Values: Enums can store raw values of a specific type, making them useful for representing known values like HTTP status codes.

enum HTTPStatusCode: Int {
case ok = 200
case notFound = 404

Leverage Associated Values: Enumerations can store associated values of any type, enabling you to store additional data with each enum case.

enum Barcode {
case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int)
case qrCode(String)

Implement Methods: You can add methods to enums, making them more powerful and expressive.

enum Planet: String {
case mercury, venus, earth, mars

func description() -> String {
switch self {
case .mercury: return "Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun."
case .venus: return "Venus is the second planet from the Sun."
case .earth: return "Earth is our home planet."
case .mars: return "Mars is known as the Red Planet."

Conform to Protocols: Enums can conform to protocols, allowing for greater flexibility and integration into your codebase.

enum Direction: CaseIterable {
case north, south, east, west

Hidden Features of Enumerations

Computed Properties: Enums can have computed properties, which can be useful for providing derived values.

enum Device {
case iPhone(model: String)
case iPad(model: String)

var description: String {
switch self {
case .iPhone(let model): return "iPhone model: \(model)"
case .iPad(let model): return "iPad model: \(model)"

Recursive Enumerations: Enums can be recursive, meaning they can have another instance of the enum as an associated value.

indirect enum ArithmeticExpression {
case number(Int)
case addition(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)
case multiplication(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)

Custom Initializers: Enums can have custom initializers to control the initialization process.

enum Color {
case rgb(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int)

init(white: Int) {
self = .rgb(red: white, green: white, blue: white)

Where to Use Enumerations

  • Defining a Finite List of States: Use enums to represent a predefined set of states or categories, such as days of the week, states in a state machine, or modes in an app.
  • Switch Statements: Enums work well with switch statements, enabling exhaustive checking and reducing errors.
  • Type Safety: Enums provide type safety and can prevent invalid values from being used.

Where Not to Use Enumerations

  • Complex Data Structures: Avoid using enums for complex data structures where classes or structs would be more appropriate.
  • Mutable State: Enums are not suitable for representing data that needs to change over time. Use classes or structs instead.
  • High Flexibility: If the set of values is expected to change frequently or grow indefinitely, enums might not be the best choice.

Real-Time Examples

Example 1: App Themes

enum AppTheme {
case light, dark, system

var description: String {
switch self {
case .light: return "Light Mode"
case .dark: return "Dark Mode"
case .system: return "System Default"

Example 2: Network Request Result

enum Result<T> {
case success(T)
case failure(Error)

Advantages of Enumerations

  • Type Safety: Ensures that only valid values are used.
  • Readability: Makes code more readable and maintainable.
  • Exhaustive Checking: Ensures all cases are handled, reducing runtime errors.

Disadvantages of Enumerations

  • Limited Flexibility: Not suitable for scenarios where the set of values changes frequently.
  • Complexity: Can become complex when used with many associated values or methods.

Real-Time Problems and Solutions

  1. Problem: Enum with Associated Values Causes Complex Switch Statements

Solution: Use Helper Methods

enum MediaType {
case book(title: String, author: String)
case movie(title: String, director: String)

var title: String {
switch self {
case .book(let title, _): return title
case .movie(let title, _): return title

Problem: Raw Value Initialization Fails

Solution: Provide Default Case or Failable Initializer

enum HTTPStatusCode: Int {
case ok = 200
case notFound = 404

init?(rawValue: Int) {
switch rawValue {
case 200: self = .ok
case 404: self = .notFound
default: return nil

Problem: Enum Cases with Similar Behavior

Solution: Use Protocol Conformance

protocol Animal {
func sound() -> String

enum DogBreed: Animal {
case labrador, beagle

func sound() -> String {
return "Bark"

enum CatBreed: Animal {
case persian, siamese

func sound() -> String {
return "Meow"

Problem: Complex Recursive Data Structures

Solution: Use Indirect Enums

indirect enum Expression {
case number(Int)
case addition(Expression, Expression)
case multiplication(Expression, Expression)

Problem: Missing Case Handling

Solution: Use Default Case in Switch Statement

enum Season {
case spring, summer, autumn, winter

func describe(season: Season) -> String {
switch season {
case .spring: return "Spring is warm."
case .summer: return "Summer is hot."
case .autumn: return "Autumn is cool."
case .winter: return "Winter is cold."
default: return "Unknown season."

Problem: Enum with Many Cases

Solution: Use CaseIterable Protocol

enum Direction: CaseIterable {
case north, south, east, west

let allDirections = Direction.allCases

Problem: Enum Case with Shared Behavior

Solution: Use Static Methods

enum PaymentStatus {
case pending, completed, failed

static func processPayment(for status: PaymentStatus) -> String {
switch status {
case .pending: return "Payment is pending."
case .completed: return "Payment is completed."
case .failed: return "Payment has failed."

Problem: Large Enum with Similar Logic

Solution: Use Structs or Classes

enum PaymentMethod {
case creditCard(number: String, cvv: String)
case paypal(email: String)

func process() -> String {
switch self {
case .creditCard(let number, _): return "Processing credit card \(number)"
case .paypal(let email): return "Processing PayPal account \(email)"

Problem: Enum Cases with Different Return Types

Solution: Use Associated Values with Closures

enum Operation {
case unary((Double) -> Double)
case binary((Double, Double) -> Double)

Problem: Enum with Dynamic Values

Solution: Use Associated Values

enum Measurement {
case weight(Double)
case length(Double)

var value: Double {
switch self {
case .weight(let value): return value
case .length(let value): return value


Swift enumerations are a versatile and powerful feature that can enhance your code’s readability, maintainability, and type safety. By following best practices and understanding their limitations, you can effectively use enumerations to solve real-world problems in your Swift applications. The hidden features and practical examples provided in this article should help you leverage enumerations to their fullest potential.

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Kalidoss Shanmugam

Experienced mobile app developer with 11 years of expertise, focused on creating innovative solutions that elevate user experiences in today's digital landscap.