Kali Ma Shub
15 min readJan 26, 2017


How exciting you finally have your Home Essential Kit! Perhaps you already have a basic idea how to use your oils to clear the chemicals out of your home and to support the healing of common ailments?

  • Did you know that just as the oils clean your home of the bad guys, they do the same with your physical body, emotions and memories.
  • Maybe you really are not sure of how to use the oils for your moods and emotions?
  • Or maybe you didn’t even realise you could use them that way at all?


“Essential oils are simply a mixture of volatile aromatic compounds. These compounds are able to interact with the olfactory (smell) receptors in the nose. Our sense of smell can have a profound effect on our emotions, and simply inhaling the aroma can elicit an emotional response. The smell receptors located on the upper surface of the nasal cavity make direct links with the limbic system of the brain, where the scent is perceived and processed.”doterra

Let me start off in total clarity: The oils don’t do your emotional healing work for you! They are a tool to support the limbic brain (the pantry) to recalibrate.

You don’t use an oil to get rid of a feeling from your emotional body; that would be like using an essential oil to amputate a leg.

What you are doing is increasing your awareness and using a tool to reset your brainwaves- changing the frequency of an old well worn route that is no longer serving you , taking a conscious detour. This detour will establish itself as a new route and in time will become a healthier way of being.

Not doing any one emotion is as unhealthy for us as staying stuck in one pattern.

We can both over emote and under emote! We are not the emotion, emotions are only a channel of energy expression.

There are many creative and valid new ways to learn to channel this energy!

Using a combination of Essential oils, art, music, dance, meditation intentional affirmations, journaling, tapping, exercise and being ensconced in nature will all reset your emotional body and physical body to their original divine wholenes

It’s your intent and willingness to be retrospective and to change that does the real work.

Because essential oils are potent plant spirit medicine they certainly can make the soul journey easier to traverse.

Our emotions are the keystone to our total wellbeing.

All our experiences are stored in the emotional centre of the brain (limbic brain) it’s a bit like an emotional library. Each of these memories has a corresponding organ or body part with a similar vibrational frequency that the respective emotion gravitates towards! Just like we gravitate towards other people with similar corresponding frequencies to our own.

Memories can remain dormant in the body for years but eventually they will be triggered by events in your life. Pain emotional or physical or both will result. Your body and soul are telling you to its time to grow evolve. If you don’t deal with them; even more complex issues and challenges will arise, we can not live a healthy fulfilled life in denial.

Don’t discount your emotions and moods validity, they are important soul signage and the actual GPS of your life map. If certain moods keep playing over and over with no actual real determining reason : and most importantly you are now AWARE enough to notice their replays; that is fantastic!

This means you no longer need to remain stuck in their replay and consciousness is actually arising. This is the beginning of the shift.

When awareness rises then you are ready to track your emotions, no matter how unpleasant they may feel realise that this way of being stuck in the past, has been until now the safest place for you to reside. “Although it is no longer true for you!”Now it’s up to you how deep you want to plunge into this psycho/spiritual emotional journey but be warned the oils will take you on one regardless. So now we I will briefly cover the emotional uses of the:-


FRANKINCENSE: The king of the oils!Frankincense works strongly upon your crown chakra by connecting you more fully with your soul and divine truth.

When you first start using Frankincense with the intent of emotional healing you will immediately feel it’s balancing attributes. As you use it more deeply with full intention, you will begin to recognise how your ego mind and soul are often at odds with each other. This is because Frankincense is the oil of truth!

These new revelations can feel quite uncomfortable: but hey’ better out than in. So many of us spend our lives pulling on both ends of an inner tug rope and that unconscious conflict certainly does not serve your higher good.

Being a sacred soul oil Frankincense is great to induce a deepening in your meditation or spiritual and creative practices and to enhances Soul communication via numinous dreams.

Frankincense also acts as a brilliant emergency oil, in times of emotional crisis and depletion.

LEMON: You only need to sniff a lemon to feel the brightness and lightness it’s wonderful aroma evokes. To me it’s an anti stress oil, mood uplifting, happiness enticer. It’s stimulating elevating yet harmonising and balancing because of it’s ability to assist you to clear your mind and focus on what is truly necessary.

It’s a right brain activating oil that supports creativity and more lateral type thinking. Its incredible for anyone bogged down with worry or caught in looping obsessive thoughts.

Its has the same alkalising effect on the mind that it has on the body. Used frequently with intent it will reveal your darkness or shadow side. There is nothing to fear though, you just need to embrace these aspects of your personality and they will transform in the light.

Giving yourself an auric cleanse with lemon is like a detoxing of the aura a spiritually cleansing aromatic shower.

Lemon restores your natural brilliance and light! Strangely enough, it aids me with deep healing sleep when my mind has become over active or over whelmed.

LAVENDER: Lavender has such a unique fragrance it always reminds me of my darling grand mother and her unique form of loving wisdom. To me it is the oil of Wisdom!

It is a brilliant oil to support anyone suffering from tension and anxiety to move beyond the root cause and thus relief! It’s fragrance is just so calming on the distressed mind or a depleted mood. Lavender make you feel as as though you are wrapped in a beautiful warm blanket on a cold day. Lavender so supports the calming of the spirit that it allows one to connect more fully with their own deep wellspring of intuitive wisdom.

Using Lavender intensively shows one how they have disconnected from this inner wisdom. You may see how you have lied to yourself and the areas of life in which you have been locked in denial.

Lavender works as a liberator as it aids in healthier expression and freedom of communication and a greater self acceptance.

It is calming even for babies and pets and a beautiful oil to enhance sleep.

MELALEUCA/ TEA TREE: Melaleuca leaves were always sacred to our Australian Aboriginals they used them for sacred rituals and to treat coughs, colds, infections, parasites and snake bites. This is how Melaleuca became known as snake oil.

On an emotional level it supports you to recognise the snakes in the grass within your own life and to see if anyone’s energy is acting parasitically upon you. (Energy Vampires) When you gain this insight you can clear their negative drainage and create new healthier boundaries. Often our energy is exhausted by these energy vampires leaching off us and by we allowing this to take place; one can not be in balance emotionally whilst under valuing them selves or believing others opinions OF WHO THEY ARE OR ARE NOT!

Melaleuca reminds us our body is our temple and that we are sacred and need to respect ourselves. For many it feels selfish to put themselves first, but it is of utmost importance to do so, otherwise we are of no use to anyone.

Melaleuca in a similar way to Vetiver works upon you in the dream realms; it does not give you bad dreams, but clears your own darkness within the dream state. Like Lemon oil also act as a wonderful Auric cleanser.

Melaleuca assist one to establish healthier boundaries and brings greater emotional resilience into our lives.

OREGANO: Is a very powerful oil. On the physical levels it works as a strong antibiotic and supports the immune system.

On an emotional level is is one of the oils really helpful for control freaks! “Who me! What’s that lol!”

Many of us due to the hard knocks of life have take a more rigid controlling stance to protect ourselves from being hurt. Oregano breaks down these walls of rigid control. It teaches us to be more accepting and understanding of where others are coming from too.

It like Melaleuca works on attachments our own attachments, and upon anyone parasitic to our energyfield.

It connects us to our more indigenous nature and to the land we walk ! Thus it is very earthing and grounding so it’s strengthens our more divine resolve rather than the control of our egos.

As Oregano is a rather hot burnie’ oil I like to think that it burns off un serving Karmic ties.

PEPPERMINT: Peppermint oil is truly an invigorating stimulant, but far better for you then 6 cups of caffeinated coffee!

Just as peppermint gives you a kick start physically, as it clears your sinuses, and settles an upset stomach, it does the same for you on the emotional level.

Peppermint kick starts your energy furnace and resets lower moods and depleted energy. Peppermint breathes fresh life into you when you are worn out and drained, it is like a big deep breath of fresh air. It clears your head of mental flotsam and redirects your energy to where it is most needed.

Peppermint works the third eye and solar plexus chakras in unison, to bring a far more alert balance to you.

Peppermint is a good choice of oil when you have to face something you have been resisting and need the vital courage to take positive action. It strengthens your resolve and might whilst activating action!

Along with Onguard it is one of the warrior oils in the kit. It also is a perfect choice for when you need to switched on in your left brain and are more achievement orientated !

EASY AIR: THE RESPIRATORY BLEND: Easy Air is a proprietary blend including Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Lemon, Ravensara, and Cardamom that can easily be applied topically to the chest, back, or bottom of feet. Its pleasant aroma creates a calming environment and is perfect for nighttime diffusion.

Easy air supports us to breathe more deeply. Having been a Yoga Instructor for a great portion of my life I am only too fully aware of how poorly most people actually do breathe. Often at an early age our breathing is constricted by fear or loss of a portion of their personal identity.

We all know the old idiom ”CHILDREN SHOULD BE SEEN AND NOT HEARD!” This exemplifies how a breathing constriction may occur. A breathing restriction has occurred in varying degrees in most by adulthood.This prevents one from BREATHING FULLY OF LIFE! Drinking from the chalice that overflows is out innate birth right.

The human race is plagued by respiratory problems. Respiratory issues are all closely related to an imbalance within the heart chakra. These imbalance are caused by grief and loss. Loss of love loss of self! Our ability to love, both to love ourselves and others, emanates from the heart chakra.

Easy air can assist us to forgive others and ourselves and to let go of old grief.As we gain the ability to breathe fully and deeply so too does our innate proficiency to love increase.

DIGESTZEN: THE DIGESTIVE BLEND:This unique blend contains Ginger, Fennel, and Coriander to help ease occasional stomach discomfort, including motion sickness and indigestion, while Peppermint, Tarragon, Anise, and Caraway aid with digestion

This beautiful selection of oils within the Digestzen blend will support you to be at peace with life – to let go of frear and resistance so you can take life in more fully. (DIGEST LIFE)

When you are stuck and need to move forward it may allow you to accept WHAT IS’ in an appreciative and gracious manner.

It is harmonising to the moods and acts as an energy stabiliser. If you are overwound it will assist to calm you, if you are depleted it will give you a gentle lift.

Digestzen supports the solar plexus or energy furnace to right itself. If you are an empath and very sensitive the solar plexus is where one often takes the hard brunt of life. It can be a store house of fear which leave very little energy for life. Emotionally Digestzen allows us to face this old pain and soothes the way to release the fear. Once the solar plexus clears and becomes a more conscious communicating chakra it assists us to be naturally intuitive and discerning instead of merely afraid.

Digestzen aids us to tap into vital source energy of our furnace rather than to be in debit using only our nervous energy's limited reserves.

ICE BLUE: “Deep Blue” THE SOOTHING BLEND: Ice Blue is perfect for a soothing massage after a long day of work. Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus work together to soothe and cool. After long hours on the computer, try rubbing Deep Blue proprietary blend on your fingers, wrists, shoulders, and neck. A few drops of Deep Blue Soothing Blend diluted in Fractionated Coconut Oil can be part of a cooling and comforting massage.

Ice Blue the Soothing blend helps us to clear deep seated pain. We all have an energy body surrounding our physical body that is called the ‘PAIN BODY’. The pain body is imprinted with all the unacknowledged pain experiences we have experienced through out our lives.

Unfortunately this pain body also has a magnetic force attracting other similarly vibrating energy fields to it! It is said that “Misery loves a companion”. Why do you think people love to be entertained by dramas that are sad and painful in books and movies?Or becomes riled up, histronic even, in relation to watching horrid News events, that they personally have no intention or power to change?

Every painful event we witness or vicariously experience attaches to the pain body if we were not consciously aware.Oft’ times pain stored in the body is not even really your own pain but borrowed pain magnetised to you and claimed as your own.

Meditative use of this blend can show you why you have pain, and to recognise that the pain is your teacher, it may assist you to accept the pain as such and to learn what you need from it too!

Ice blue can assist you to release stored emotional pain if you are willing to address these issues.

ONGUARD: THE PROTECTIVE BLEND: The proprietary combination of Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary essential oils is an active component in a first line of defense for immune support.* It is a non-toxic and superb way to support the immune system.

Just as this wonderful blend of oils supports the immune system it also supports our energetic/emotional boundaries. It can assists us to strengthen our emotional immunity.

So it’s a great choice for those caught in codependent relationships or who may have feel powerless in a situation to break free.

Onguard assists us to strengthen our emotional boundaries and to say. NO when needed!

This wonderful protective blend is uplifting to both our mood and energy. So if you are feeling low in energy and or mood it can give you a much needed energy boost.

It can also be of assistance to those with addictive tendencies; and assist them to strengthen their resolve to clear their addiction. An addict’s has energy hooks that keep them trapped within their addiction, creating clearer energetic boundaries is necessary in the healing treatment of addiction.

Onguard can support one to gain a stronger authentic sense of self with clearly defined boundaries .


There are many ways to use your oils to support emotional healing.

Using your oils with conscious intent is the most important method of all. I believe it is essential to use your oils almost ceremoniously, so experiment and create playful ritual with your oils and treat them with reverence.

“You are what your deepest desire is. As is your desire, so is your intention. As is your intention, so is your will. As is your will, so is your deed. As is your deed, so is your destiny.” Upanishads

  • Diffusing your oils in your home, office and car is subtle but very effective.
  • You can also carry a personal diffuser or inhaler.
  • You can purchase simple jewellery that will work as a personal inhaler.
  • You can rub some on your hair or a scarf.
  • Carry a misting Aura Spray
  • Make a personal roller like a pure-fume.
  • Aromatic Dressing – or Dressing Blessing where you anoint your oils body once or twice a day with your chosen oil blend mixed with a carrier oil is of high importance.
  • About 85% of our CPTG oils are food grade and can be taken internally. BEWARE’ This is not the case with all brands of essential oil.


  • CPTG oils can be ingested in a vegetable capsule, or in a propriatory formulae brought already in a capsule, they can be drunk in your water or added to your food. Remember though to always follow the dilution guidelines set by the company and that LESS IS BEST!
  • You can add oils to you relaxing bath water, best to add them in a little alcohol first though to pre-dissolve them. You can add some rock salt or Epsom salts to give a deluxe spa effect to your soak.
  • You can make your own creams and healing balms; your options are limited only by your imagination.
  • Do study up on the accurate use and dosage of your oils and take care how you use them remember they contain volatile chemicals and are strong plant medicine.
  • Do attend classes and training and use the science blogs etc.
  • If you have a medical condition please consult your medical practitioner.
  • Only use the oils in the way you feel comfortable with.

Essential oils are amazing on so many levels, but I am warning you that their effects may not always feel amazing. Although most frequently they do!

I use oils religiously, I inhale them, I snort them, drink them, eat them, wear them aromatically dress with them, shampoo my hair with them, clean my teeth and home with them. That’s a lot of oils and I know I totally and absolutely benefit from their usage.

But just as they clean your home of the bad guys, they do the same with your physical body, emotions and memories. You can go into detox on a physical and emotional level and it’s all ok too.

Be reminded that the oils are supporting your body to throw out a lifetime of toxins and emotional pain. There may be periods of time where you feel lethargic or unnaturally exhausted.

The remedy is paradoxically is use more oils, but make different oil choices, take lots of rest and drink lots of pure water, eat well but less, and allow time for your system to flush out.

Listen to your body’s wisdom it is always on the mark! This happens to us emotionally too, most of us have a history good and bad, the oils clear out the stale old memories and emotions. Like a detox of the soul!

Often these physical and mental fatigues sneak slowly up on us, you may find yourself dreaming vividly or erratically, or suddenly welling up with tears, or a even scarier is feeling an incredible bout of rage. Know that what you have repressed is working its way out of your body because you have given it conscious permission to do so. Be thankful!

A fortunate gifting of the oils is with extended use they do tend to increase ones intuitive awareness. So with this new found awareness watch for any underlying emotional tremors.

I hear many people giving this or that oil bad press. Vetiver cops a lot of flack , people says it gives them bad dreams. But whatever has come out in their dream realms has came up to be cleared.

It’s a bit like two people taking same dosage of LSD one flys with Angels the other plummets to the pits of hell? It’s in the psychological makeup of the person using.

Not every person responds the same way to an oil , or responds the same way each period of time they use a certain oil or combination. We are energy beings and thus continually fluctuating and all of us unique.

You may find the smell of a particular oil abhorrent and then three months later think it is divine! That is part of the magic of embarking on an oily journey.

People tend to get favourite oils and use them too consistently. I have found using a certain oils or oils too frequently will often set off what may feel like adverse reactions, but that’s the emotional detox.

The same may happen by one being too heavy handed over a long period of time with a certain oil. Your body’s way of saying enough of that oil now change make new choices.

So shake it up try a radical new selection of oils, be daring! Don’t be afraid of using your oils and do trust your intuitive choices. Seriously they won’t do anything for you just sitting in their box. Most of all observe yourself and give yourself time to reap the benefits of your oils with meditative awareness, good nutrition, time in nature and adequate rest.

May the oily force be with you❤️