Effortless Efficiency: Converting CSV to ORC with Athena CTAS

Srikar Reddy Kalikiri
5 min readAug 9, 2024



Athena CTAS (Create Table As) is a powerful feature of Amazon Athena, a serverless query service for analyzing data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. CTAS allows you to create a new table by executing a SQL query and specifying the desired format, compression, and partitioning options. This feature is particularly useful for transforming, filtering, and optimizing data as it’s being queried.


Execution steps

Let’s assume you already have Gzipped CSV data sitting in one of your S3 buckets.

Lets assume you already have an Athena table created over this partitioned data.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `employeestablebackedbycsvins3`(
`id` string,
`firstname` string,
`lastname` string,
`company` string,
`paddress` string,
`facttheylike` string
PARTITIONED BY ( `year` int, `month` int, `day` int)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat'
OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat'
LOCATION 's3://athena-datasets-2/'

Now let’s use CTAS to convert the Gzipped CSV data to Snappy compressed ORC data.

An important limitation to using CTAS is that CTAS can’t handle more than 100 partitions per query.

We can get around it by using CTAS to first create Snappy compressed ORC data from a small subset of Gzipped CSV data which does not exceed 100 partition like below.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employeestablebackedbyorcins3 WITH (
format = 'ORC',
parquet_compression = 'SNAPPY',
partitioned_by = ARRAY [ 'year', 'month', 'day' ],
external_location = 's3://athena-datasets-3/'
) AS
FROM employeestablebackedbycsvins3
WHERE year = 2001 and month = 1;

And then load data into the Snappy compressed ORC data table incrementally without exceeding 100 partitions. for example,

INSERT INTO employeestablebackedbyorcins3
FROM employeestablebackedbycsvins3
WHERE year = 2002 and month >= 1 and month <= 3;

If you use the Athena query editor to run these queries one-by-one, it is going to eat up a lot of your time. Instead you can use step functions to load the data in parallel. It could look something like below.

Lets look at the results.


Athena CTAS (Create Table As) is a powerful feature of Amazon Athena, a serverless query service for analyzing data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. CTAS allows you to create a new table by executing a SQL query and specifying the desired format, compression, and partitioning options. This feature is particularly useful for transforming, filtering, and optimizing data as it’s being queried.

You might be thinking that you could’ve used hive to do the same. Well you could, but Amazon Athena CTAS is a serverless, simple, and cost-effective choice for converting CSV data to ORC format and loading it into an S3 bucket. It requires no cluster management and is pay-per-query. In contrast, Apache Hive on EMR involves setting up and managing clusters(optional if you use EMR serverless), requires HiveQL queries, offers more control but is more complex and potentially costly due to cluster provisioning and S3 storage costs. Choose Athena for simplicity and cost-efficiency, and Hive on EMR for more control and customization, considering your specific needs and expertise.


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References to Amazon Web Services (AWS) products, services, or features are made in the context of sharing knowledge and experiences. However, the author(Srikar Reddy Kalikiri) is not affiliated with AWS, and the opinions expressed in these blog posts are those of the author(Srikar Reddy Kalikiri) alone.

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