Kalkulus December 2018 Development Update


Recently Kalkulus passed his first year of life from the generation of Genesis Block (when first launched as KLK). From the first mined block, a lot of job was done and we are very happy to be still here despite a very difficult year for the whoole cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The bearish market discouraged a lot of dev teams from keep doing the job and develop new things. We are very happy that bearish conditions don’t killed us, we are here for technology and develop new products that make the Kalkulus blockchain usable for several purpose is our mission. The whole project now have a new direction, that changed a lot over this long year. $KLKS as digital asset have his own use case with The Hub , and very soon will become a more solid project thanks to all new products that will be released and will exist over the Kalkulus blockchain. Price of the coin can go up or down, but we feel blessed to have your trust as team and project. Thanks to all in advance!

Now it’s time for us to introduce all most relevant updates and have a look on what’s going on!

Launch of Blockfolio Signals

The very first news that we are excited and very happy to announce is that Blockfolio has added us to their Signal platform! This will be a new and very effective way to communicate with our ever-growing community and potential new investors that have Kalkulus in their portofolio also for watching-only purpose. Getting added on Blockfolio Signal will help us to reach a wider audience with informations about our technical updates!

If you are already watching KLKS through Blockfolio app (you can get more info or download the app directly from Official Website), this will be the first Signal you will be notified with a push notification, and include a resume of what we are ready to release in the most immediate future, and we are talking of things that could really change the life of the whole project.

Blockfolio is the most known mobile apps that let you keep track of your cryptocurrency portfolio with a simple touch, and follow accurately your preferred cryptocurrency with up to date information through a powerful notification system. In order to receive all update about Kalkulus development in form of “signals” push notifications, simply enable it adding KLKS to your portfolio also in watrch-mode on your Blockfolio mobile phone app.

Thanks to the Blockfolio team for adding Kalkulus, we are very happy to be on board to Signals!

Download app and add KLKS to watchlist > https://blockfolio.com

Desktop wallet update and block reward table modification

We just completed all changes in the source code and we are ready to launch an update of the wallet that will include not only changes at software level.

The new version of Kalkulus wallet, the 2.7.0., is available for Windows, OS X and Linux systems from 5th of December 2018 on our Official Github Release Page, and it is essential for all users to update their wallet as soon as the wallet will be released.

This update is mandatory, and the new protocol will be enforced at block height 380712 (27th of December 2018), so you have plenty of time to update your wallet and your VPS’s, but after implementation old wallet version will become obsolete.

PLEASE NOTE: Is fundamental that as many users as possible upgrade to the new version 2.7.0 of the wallet prior to the Block Height 380712 in order to ensure a smooth transition and preserve the blockchain integrity. We recommend updating as soon as possible to ensure that you are up to date, minimizing risk of any issues or of loosing rewards due the failed update.

Whats new on the wallet

The most important and relevant change that the update will introduce is a new block reward scheme. This change will reduce gradually the amount of coin produced per day from the network (actually slightly more than 1 masternode, exactly 21600 KLKS per day). The reduced amount of coin produced per day over time will significantly help to reduce inflation in the long term, and reduce the amount of coin minted from big stakeholders.

The reward structure changes will occur at block 380,712 (December 27, 2018 @ 1PM GMT+1). All users will need to have their wallet updated and their VPS for masternodes updated (all The Hub masternodes will be updated automatically).

The new block reward will look like that:

From block 380712 to 423913 = 12 KLKS
Up to 467114 = 9.6 KLKS
Up to 510315 = 7.7 KLKS
Up to 553516 = 6.15 KLKS
Up to 639917 = 5.25 KLKS
Up to 726318 = 4.45 KLKS
Up to 812719 = 3.8 KLKS
Up to 899120 = 3.2 KLKS
Up to 1028721 = 2.75 KLKS
Up to 1158322 = 2.45 KLKS
Up to 1287923= 2.2 KLKS
From 1287923 to Max Total Supply = 2 KLKS

Changelog 2.7.0:

- Changed block rewards table and coin emission for lowering inflation
- Fixed bug that disabled the use of the staking argument (0/1) on startup to work
- Fixed missing netowrk connections at first startup
- Fixed Governance Budget rewards
- Updated protocol version to 80012
- Added last blockchain checkpoint as 332974 (marked in the blockchain trough op_return https://chainz.cryptoid.info/klks/tx.dws?717308.htm output 1)
- Planned activation of Spork 8 and Spork 14 for protocol enforcement
- Added link to The Hub in the “Masternodes” window tab.
- Added “block height” to progress bar
- Small typo fix in Italian localization
- Update QT splashscreen graphics.

How do I update my wallet?
There’s nothing complicated to do, you only need to delete the old klks-qt (2.6.0)wallet and replace it with the new (2.7.0). This new version of wallet is fully compatible and can work with your blockchain already synced and saved in the old data directory.

Simply shut down the old KLKS-qt wallet and reopen the new, and you should be fine.

Make sure to backup your wallet.dat file! Your original wallet.dat contains your coins, if something goes wrong during update, you could lose your coins!

What i have to do for my Kalkulus masternodes/Staking Box on The Hub?
All Kalkulus masternodes and Staking Box will be updated in time by the Kalkulus team. No actions required for all users, maybe a simple restart of masternodes from the wallet.

Download Kalkulus Client 2.7.0.: https://github.com/kalkulusteam/klks/releases/tag/2.7.0

Launch of KLKS⚡dAPI

A new era begins for Kalkulus! By exploring and experimenting with the OP_Return technology, we developed an architecture, already available in beta, to implement Decentralized Applications over Kalkulus Blockchain.

Develop your KLKS dAPP (beta) now!

When trying to understand what a decentralized app is, the first thing to focus on is the server talk. While for classic applications there is a central server on which they are stored, decentralized apps do not reside on a single central server.

Another element that differentiates decentralized apps from the classic is privacy. The dApps offer the user the ability to fully protect their personal Kalkulus dAPPS and whitepaper upcoming release
After last recents experimentation with op_return over Kalkulus Blockchain, we was able to reach some points on development that opened us a wide panorama on several application fields that we can explore and experiment in the near future.
As anticipation, we deployed an early stage list of Kalkulus dApps. Some of that are almost ready, others in development or still in a very early stage, but all of this will allow to perform actions without depending from a central server but using the blockchain and all Kalkulus nodes to be run. Everything will be technically explained in details in our first version of whitepaper, that will be released in January 2019.

Like the traditional applications that we usually use, decentralized apps can also be used in a variety of industries. An immediate use is that in the field of online commerce and finance. However, they can be used, for example, to transfer files from one user to another and to authenticate and validate a wide range of operations, including voting.

KLKS dApps can’t be shut down, because there is no server to take down. Data in a dApp is decentralized across all of its nodes. Each node is independent; if one fails, the others are still able to run on the network.

Privacy protection and independence from a single central server make decentralized applications much more efficient and safer than the applications we are used to.

Through the KLKS-dApps Architecture, each developer can obtain his own KLKS-dAPI with relative secret key in order to create distributed, autonomous, permanent and decentralized databases for dAPPs, using common programming languages.

Klks dAPI are RESTful so you can expect the logic of a common REST API

Decentralized Applications consist of the whole package, from backend to frontend. Klks dAPI is only one part of the dApp: Frontend (what you can see), and Backend (the logic in the background). KLKS dAPI, on the other hand, consists only of the backend. That means if you want to create a decentralized application based on KLKS dAPI system, you can combine several KLKS dAPI and rely on 3rd party common systems for the front-end.

These technologies open the way to a Future Kalkulus dAppStore. A virtual space that will gather all the applications based on Kalkulus Blockchain.

Kalkulus dAPPS and whitepaper upcoming release

After last recents experimentation with “op_return” over Kalkulus Blockchain, we was able to reach some points on development that opened us a wide panorama on several application fields that we can explore and experiment in the near future.

As anticipation, we deployed an early stage list of Kalkulus dApps. Some of that are almost ready, others in development or still in a very early stage, but all of this will allow to perform actions without depending from a central server but using the blockchain and all Kalkulus nodes to be run. Everything will be technically explained in details in our first version of whitepaper, that will be released in January 2019.

  1. Kalkulus dApp Store
  2. KLKS Pay: Digital Payment Technology Service with physical Point-of-Sale system for local store and plug-in integration for e-commerce.
  3. KLKS PoE (Proof-of-Existence): Validate and store your documents and files over the blockchain.
  4. KLKS Personal Archive: Encrypted file hosting service with cloud storage via IPFS technology.
  5. KLKS KYC: On-line identify verification technology via KLKS Blockchain.
  6. KLKS Marketplace: Global virtual marketplace based on blockchain technology.
  7. KLKS MSG: Decentralized and permanent message service with instant chat.
  8. KLKS The Hub 2.0: Staking V-Box, Easy Masternode Deployment and Web Wallet, interconnected to KLKS-Storage IPFS Technology.

New layout and improved GUI for “The Hub”

After two months of hard work we can finally announce that in January 2019 The Hub will be totally refreshed with a brand new layout. The new graphic user interface is clear and all options are reachable in a very easy way. We improved the system of statistics and the look of your portfolio and data available for tracking of your investments.

Following some screenshots of the new layout.

New landing page of https://hub.kalkul.us
Main dashboard with total protfolio balance
Staking Box dashboard
List of Staking Boxes per account

The new layout should be launched in January 2019 alongside some other graphic changes, included the new website domain that will change from http://kalkulus.trade to https://kalkul.us. This will ensure to potential investor, newcomers and current users to find easily everything related to the project.

That’s a resume of what we are working on and what will be released very soon! We’re hard at work on the next steps on giving to the whole project a solid direction, and we hope you keep trusting us and our everyday effort as you did in this whole year of life of the project!

If you have any questions or would like to join the Kalkulus Community, here’s where you can track our updates.

Website: http://kalkulus.trade (soon https://kalkul.us)

The Hub: https://hub.kalkul.us

Discord: https://discord.io/kalkulus

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kalkulus_team

Investfeed: https://www.investfeed.com/feed

Github: https://github.com/kalkulusteam



Kalkulus — Decentralized Digital Asset

$KLKS is a decentralized digital asset based on Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol and masternodes system network. https://kalkul.us || https://thehub.host