The Ultimate List of Co-living Spaces — What we Learned Scraping Co-living Space Directories (Includes Infographics)

Kalle Moen
4 min readJan 16, 2018


We scraped all the coliving directories online and uncovered some interesting data about the industry. For the full list -> click here.

It’s only the beginning of the year, but already, 2018 looks set to be a year of growth for the co-living industry.

In 2017 we saw an increase in investment into co-living spaces the world over, from Sweden to Japan, and now — in 2018 we’re excited to see the fruits of last year’s labour.

To shed some light on the current state of co-living, we decided to scrape the web and gather data on all the co-living spaces we could find. 177 to be exact. Here’s what we learned.

Where are all the the co-living spaces?

The US is the obvious leader, with 60 communities dotted around their star spangled nation, that’s almost four times as many as their nearest competitor, Spain, who boasts a respectable 16 co-living spaces.

Surprisingly though, China and their two co-living giants You+ and Harbour boasts 39 co-living spaces and lands in on a second place.

Tropical locations such as Bali, Cancun, and Phuket are also locations that pop-out on the list.

  • USA: 60
  • China: 39
  • Spain: 16
  • France: 7
  • Indonesia: 7

Looking at the distribution among cities, San Francisco and New York are the big dogs on the list. Both the housing situation and culture explain the distribution.

We also took a look at all the big cities that currently don’t have co-living spaces, and as you see below, there are still many cities that could be interesting to explore for a savvy co-living company.

How many companies are niching down on entrepreneurs?

It’s pretty rad seeing so many communities, each with their own take on what co-living is about, and as Kin is pretty much brand new, we figured it would be fun to see how many of these spaces focus on start-ups. The results were pretty surprising!

11.5% — Startup Focused

What’s the average price per night (PPN) around the world?

Pricing varies by geographical location, average cost of living, and the services provided by each co-living community, but it’s still interesting to see the difference around the world.

The per night cost runs between $6 and $117 depending on where in the world you are, the quality of accommodation you prefer, and whether you wish to partake in group activities.

  • Lowest Price From: $6 — Indonesia
  • Highest Price From: $117 — Netherlands
  • Median Price From: $37.27 (this excludes China as we could only find monthly base rates)

Who are the biggest players?

YOU+ (21 locations)

It took eight years for You+ to go from idea to reality. Their first coliving community opened in 2012, and from humble beginnings, the company soon began to gain attention from investors.

Thanks in part to these investors, the two founders were able to build the company to what it is today; a community that has served over 20,000 members.

Harbour Apartments (18 locations)

A company with big dreams, Harbour Apartments has invested in forty buildings around china since launching.

Their plan is to offer 80,000 coliving units by the end of 2019 with a focus on the seven most major cities of China.

Outsite (15 locations)

The brainchild of Emanuel Guisset, the idea for Outsite came about for a pretty simple reason — Emanuel wanted to find a way to combine work, and a lifestyle that was all about those beach vibes!

When they began, in 2014, they had three locations, but now — they have fifteen locations dotted around the globe.

Roam (4 locations)

You don’t have to work in a startup to live a life of freedom, and that’s what Roam is all about. Created to offer professionals a lifestyle upgrade and the opportunity to easily travel while working.

WeLive (2 locations, 59 coworking locations)

Launched by the global powerhouse in coworking that is WeWork, WeLive is a relatively new side of their business with only two locations.

With fifty nine coworking locations, it doesn’t look as though we’ll be waiting long for new WeLive locations to pop up.

So where is this list?

Glad you asked. Click here to download the full list.

Originally published at



Kalle Moen

🇳🇴 Norwegian entrepreneur // Co-founder of — property management software for co-living //📍 Lisbon