
Kalli Padgett
2 min readAug 20, 2022

Where live experience meets Web3. New Orleanian superpowers combined with the endless possibilities of blockchain technology.

Performance & dance are some of the biggest assets of New Orleans , Yet there is little reward for live creative talent. When was the last time you went to an event with paid performers? Other than extremely lavish private parties, and Fancy art shows at high status museums… There is little support.
To go even further, Nola events are rarely constructively purposed. Money is thrown at 15$ drinks when we all can’t be bothered to activate around a central solution to gun violence.

~Imagine live performances transformed into digital assets that could continuously reward its artists for a one time performance.
~Imagine a 2nd line stepper getting paid to teach our local population how to get their footwork right.
~Imagine creative cultural projects being funded to tackle issues and create a better world around us.
~Imagine a group of NFTs that could pool together in creating an entire theatrical production around the southern environmental plight.

— Welcome to Momentum. Let’s get everyone moving- one project at a time.

This was a mural project we completed with a group of kids… What if murals became community events & then sold as an NFT to help pay for the next mural?

Multi collaborative exhibitions are curated and the entire event as its very own conceptual experience for attendees. “Moment” NFT’s are then minted from the best performance content of the event, and put up for sale. Once captured by a lucky buyer- this NFT transaction funds the next wave of “Momentum.” We use the funding to support the next cultural explosion.

“Sponsorship on smart contract steroids”
Not only does the buyer receive a piece of art that supports the career of a performer, but they also receive the status of “Momentum Membership” with new powers like:

Patron of the Arts status
Voting on what performer comes next
Free entry into all Momentum events
Exhibition abilities at the event you funded.
Photo and Video content from the event you funded
Discounts on art
Discounts on your next Moment NFT purchase
AND your very own “Live Moment” at the event when you’er recognized for support of the city.

Local Impact Goals

  1. Give power and wealth to the culture bearers of New Orleans
  2. Blowing up the careers of emerging artists
  3. Onboarding & educating as many performers & artists as possible into “Web3”
  4. Create a good & useful example of how “Web3” can create community and power shift
  5. Educate Nola on issues and what you can do about them/ brainstorm change / encourage artists in this direction.
  6. Educate Nola on history, tallent, important art forms of our city that need to be preserved.

Now, what do you think about this? Feel free to give me some feedback!



Kalli Padgett

A Curator / Artist in New Orleans LA. Seeking a growing community of action.