Tea Bag Quotes

Words to think about with your cuppa

Kallie Allen
4 min readMar 13, 2020

I recently purchased a new herbal tea — turmeric with meadowsweet and ginger. Turmeric is great for relieving inflammation and I thought that sipping tea would be nicer than swallowing a capsule every day.

After using about five teabags, I noticed words on the paper tags. Quotes. What a novel idea! One can sip tea and soak in the words at the same time. I decided to use them as daily prompts and write a paragraph or two on the first thoughts that popped into my head after reading each one.

The difference between a flower and a weed is a judgement — Unknown.

This reminded me of my days at university where I majored in Plant Science in the Faculty of Agriculture. I remember weeds “coming up” in a lecture, and the professor said that anything can be considered a weed — if it’s growing where it’s not wanted. His example was: if you’re a farmer and you spot a beautiful rose bush in the middle of your wheat field, the rose is in effect, a weed. It makes perfect sense — if I found wheat in the middle of my rose bed it would be pulled.



Kallie Allen

Science Major, traveller, guitarist, forest bather and friend. Whenever I think my life is boring— it suddenly isn’t!