Where to go.

Kalli Preece
2 min readNov 27, 2018


Here’s the coolest thing in the whole world: I have my whole life ahead of me. Once I graduate high school, I get to decide where I am headed and when it all will happen. There are no responsibility. I don’t have a husband or any kids to worry about. This is the time in my life where I et to decide where I am going.

One of the things I’ve always wanted to do is travel. I can leave. I can go off soon and be able to see the world and experience different cultures. I don’t have any obligation to stay here in Utah. Nobody is forcing me to go off to college. I always have planned to, but there’s no pressure on when to go.

I can go off and change the world. I can do that! I get to decide! I choose when I want to get married and settle down. I choose when I have kids. I choose what kind of job I want. I choose where I want to live. I choose how I want to live my life.

It’s all up to me now. If I screw up my life, it’s my own dang fault. But if I make my life into something meaningful and beautiful, then I get every bit of credit ever given.

