A Fistful of Teeth

A Weird West Flash Fiction

Kalman "Carun" Balla
2 min readAug 15, 2020
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

A suffocating, roasting-hot night and an open window. It’s not hard to find a connection between the two, but believe me, my friend, you’re on the wrong track. The heat has no role in this story, and anyhow, it is pretty dull to start with the weather. So there remains the window and the Tooth Fairy who — exactly on that suffocating, roasting-hot night — flew inside.

Her snub nose twitched at the smell of cheap whiskey and worn boots. She grimaced and, after a resigned sigh, winged to the bed. She grabbed the edge of the sweaty-sticky pillow and carefully lifted it; a decayed black tooth and a note were waiting for her.

Now what could this be, she thought. She placed the tooth in her pocket and folded the note open. It said: Hands up.

Click — the unmistakable sound of cocking a revolver came from behind. The Tooth Fairy — obeying the note — turned around. A young man in dirty-grey long johns stepped out of the wardrobe, negligently holding his Colt.

‘You know, this morning when Ugly Otis knocked my tooth out, I didn’t think I’d make money out of this.’ He took the hat, which was stuffed under the blanket, and pushed it on his head. ‘Luckily, Ugly’s mangy child told me a story about the Tooth Fairy, and the dollar per tooth. So I say, Flint, you’ll make your luck today.’

‘How do you have the cheek? Would you rob an innocent fairy?’

Flint was examining his victim with gimlet eyes while chewing on a cigar; time stood still for ten minutes. Finally, the man broke the silence.

‘There are two kinds of people.’ His voice was quiet but threatening. ‘Those who have a loaded gun and those who get robbed. So give me the money.’

The Tooth Fairy was fidgeting in front of the gun.

‘I’ve got no money, I swear. The dollar only appears in my purse when I take the tooth.’

Flint thoughtfully spit.

‘So you’re saying, each tooth you take turns into a dollar?’


‘That’s great! Then let’s reap, gorgeous. You and I, like two good friends, will visit all the houses tonight and knock everybody’s teeth out.’

The suffocating heat turned into heavy rain by the morning. A cold, northern wind was blowing, but Flint cared not as he was moving away from the city. He got richer with exactly five hundred and sixty-seven dollars, while the Tooth Fairy resigned with immediate effect.



Kalman "Carun" Balla

A Hungarian living in Scotland. Chef by day, even more awesome by night. And I write… sometimes.