From Tiles to Transformation: Unveiling Bangalore Creative Circus

Where Art Meets Sustainability

Kalpana Atluri
4 min readJun 12, 2023
© Deccan Herald

In the bustling city of Bangalore, amidst the chaos and concrete, lies a hidden gem that has transformed the way we perceive art, creativity, and sustainability. Welcome to Bangalore Creative Circus, a captivating space that was once a tile factory but has now been reborn through upcycling and recycling into a hub of artistic expression and environmental consciousness.

At the heart of Bangalore Creative Circus is Ajay Raghavan, a visionary who believes in the power of sustainable living and the transformative potential of art. Inspired by the need to create a space that encourages creativity while being environmentally responsible, Ajay embarked on this ambitious project during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. His goal was to repurpose the old tile factory and bring together like-minded individuals who shared his passion for sustainability, art, and community engagement.

As you enter the circus, you’ll be greeted by stunning art installations that tell a story of transformation. The ingenuity of the team at Bangalore Creative Circus is evident in their use of discarded materials to create beautiful works of art. One such remarkable creation is a majestic seahorse sculpture made entirely from recycled air conditioning ducts. This whimsical piece not only adds charm to the space but also serves as a reminder of the importance of upcycling and giving new life to forgotten objects.

The place is a vibrant hub that offers an array of artistic workshops and events. During the summer months, they organize theater workshops, allowing aspiring actors to hone their craft while immersing themselves in a supportive and creative environment. The central arena serves as a versatile space, hosting farmer’s markets where local vendors can showcase their produce, as well as corporate shows that blend art and business seamlessly.

Embracing the principles of self-sufficiency, Bangalore Creative Circus has found innovative solutions to farm and source a significant portion of their kitchen needs locally. By cultivating their own food and forging connections with farmers, they reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to the local economy. This commitment to sustainable practices extends to every aspect of the circus, creating a harmonious blend of art and environmental stewardship.

Venturing further into the circus, you’ll discover a treasure trove of creative spaces. Pottery studios invite visitors to explore the tactile art form and create their own masterpieces. Makers spaces provide tools and resources for artists and craftsmen to bring their visions to life. Immerse yourself in the captivating audio tours that share the stories of water, its significance, and the urgent need for climate action. The circus is also home to a climate library, a space that nurtures knowledge and understanding of our planet’s ecological challenges.

The Circus Canteen, a sustainable dining establishment within the premises, takes pride in serving delicious meals prepared with locally sourced ingredients. With a focus on seasonal produce and mindful cooking practices, the canteen offers a culinary experience that not only tantalizes taste buds but also supports local farmers and reduces food miles.

Bangalore Creative Circus goes beyond art and sustainability; it fosters a sense of community and empowerment. The circus serves as a hub for collaboration, connecting artists, activists, and environmentalists. Community maps highlight local initiatives and inspire visitors to become active participants in creating positive change. If you find yourself in Bangalore, the Bangalore Creative Circus is an absolute must-visit destination. Whether you’re an aspiring artist, a creative professional, or simply someone who appreciates the power of art and design, this enchanting hub of innovation will captivate your senses and leave you inspired!

Moments filled with laughter, inspiration, and endless possibilities! :)



Kalpana Atluri

Amateur; I write what I learn. Recruiter by profession & Sustainability • Travel Enthusiast by passion! You can reach out to me at :)