Tongue Tales and Legal Trails

Verbal Vagabonds

Kalpana Atluri
3 min readJun 28, 2023

India, a country renowned for its rich cultural heritage, is like a vibrant mosaic comprised of diverse languages, traditions, customs, and even laws that govern important aspects of our lives, such as marriage and inheritance. From the melodic Tamil to the poetic Bengali, the expressive Gujarati to the rhythmic Marathi, and the historical Avadhi, each language represents a unique facet of our nation’s linguistic tapestry. These languages have evolved over time, adapting to the expressions, experiences, and even legal frameworks of their speakers.

When it comes to marriage, the way we celebrate and the rules we follow vary from region to region. Some weddings are big and extravagant, while others are simple and elegant. Each ceremony has its own rituals, special clothes, and joyful celebrations. Similarly, laws on marriage and inheritance differ across the diverse cultural landscape of India, influenced by religious and customary practices. These laws reflect our history and social fabric, ensuring that families and individuals are protected and their rights are upheld.

Now, let’s take a quick trip to Europe and explore countries like France, Germany, Spain, and many others, where a common language – French, German, Spanish, and so on – has been embraced. This linguistic unity has played a significant role in fostering communication, enhancing cultural understanding, and even contributing to economic growth. It’s as if they have a shared currency for ideas, business transactions, and legal frameworks within their borders.

Research indicates that a shared language within a country can have a positive impact on its economy. When people can effectively communicate in a common language, it streamlines business transactions, boosts trade, and facilitates collaboration. It’s like having a common marketplace where everyone speaks the same language, making transactions smoother and more efficient.

However, the Indian landscape is far from being homogenous. It is a vibrant tapestry of diverse cultures, languages, traditions, and even legal frameworks. Each language represents a precious gem, reflecting the history and richness of its speakers. Preserving this linguistic and legal diversity isn’t just about safeguarding our cultural heritage; it’s also about nurturing a thriving economy and embracing the mosaic that shapes our national identity.

Proposing a Uniform National Language in India is a complex issue. While it may simplify governance, streamline communication, and even standardize legal frameworks, it could also risk eroding the linguistic and cultural diversity that makes India truly special. It’s like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole – it simply doesn’t work!

Instead, India can explore the concept of an evolving national language that adapts to the changing needs and expressions of its people. Language, much like a living organism, should be able to adapt to the times while retaining its core essence. It’s like a linguistic chameleon, embracing new words and expressions while staying rooted in its origins.

An evolving national language, along with an inclusive and flexible legal framework that respects diverse cultural practices, can serve as a bridge. It can facilitate effective communication, nurture cultural understanding, and foster a shared national identity. This approach respects linguistic and legal diversity while providing a common thread that unites us as a nation.

In conclusion, the disappearance of old Indian languages raises important questions about cultural diversity, the proposed Uniform National Language, and the power of language in shaping a nation’s identity and legal frameworks. By embracing linguistic and legal diversity while nurturing an evolving national language, we can strike a balance between preserving our rich heritage, and driving progress.

If you liked this piece, do read the ones I’ve written on Stoic Sustainability, and MDGS-SDGS.



Kalpana Atluri

Amateur; I write what I learn. Recruiter by profession & Sustainability • Travel Enthusiast by passion! You can reach out to me at :)