Mary Berry's Recipe For Soda Bread

Kalpesh Vasava
7 min readJan 23, 2023

Mary Berry’s Recipe For Soda Bread

Get the recipe for Mary Berry’s renowned soda bread! Enjoy a tasty loaf of yeast-free bread that is simple to make. For a fast and delectable snack or lunch, Mary Berry’s soda bread is ideal.

Story of the Mary Berry Soda Bread Recipe

A well-known British chef, cookbook author, and television host is Mary Berry. Her work on the well-liked “Great British Bake Off” television programme is what made her most famous. For many years, she has been producing delectable dishes, with her soda bread recipe being one of the most well-known.

Baking soda is used as the rising agent in traditional Irish soda bread rather than yeast. This indicates that it may be produced fast and simply without the need of any the necessity of any testing period. The bread has a nutty, earthy flavour because to the addition of wholemeal and white flour in Mary Berry’s recipe, which modifies the classic recipe. The buttermilk and honey give the bread a delightful moist texture and a light sweetness.

The ingredients list is short and the recipe is easy to follow. For individuals who are new to baking or who want to create a quick and simple bread, this recipe is fantastic. The recipe creates a circular loaf that slices easily and tastes well with butter or jam. Additionally, you may use it to create toast or sandwiches.

You may make a wonderful soda bread that will be a hit if you properly follow the directions.friends and relatives.

Mary Berry’s Recipe for Soda Bread

The ingredients for Mary Berry’s soda bread recipe are:

225 g (8 oz) of whole wheat flour
225 g (8 oz) of white flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 salt shaker full
1 tablespoon pure honey
1 beaten egg
14 fl oz. of buttermilk (400 ml)

Set the oven’s temperature to 425°F (220°C). A baking sheet should be greased or lined with parchment paper.

Into a large mixing basin, sift the flours, salt, and bicarbonate of soda.

Add enough buttermilk and honey to form a soft dough by combining them with the beaten egg.

On a floured surface, give the dough a quick knead before forming it into a circular loaf.

Cut a deep cross into the top of the bread before placing it on the baking sheet that has been prepared.

Mary Berry’s Recipe for Soda Bread

The ingredients for Mary Berry’s soda bread recipe are:

225 g (8 oz) of whole wheat flour
225 g (8 oz) of white flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 salt shakerful
1 tablespoon pure honey
1 beaten egg
14 fl oz. of buttermilk (400 ml)


Set the oven’s temperature to 425°F (220°C). A baking sheet should be greased or lined with parchment paper.

Into a large mixing basin, sift the flours, salt, and bicarbonate of soda.

Add enough buttermilk and honey to form a soft dough by combining them with the beaten egg.

On a floured surface, give the dough a quick knead before forming it into a circular loaf.

Cut a deep cross into the top of the bread before placing it on the baking sheet that has been prepared.

Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until the bread sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom, in the preheated oven.

Transfer to a wire rack to cool after taking out of the oven.

Mary berry soda bread preparation and cooking times, serving size, caloric content, and nutritional information

The Mary Berry recipe for soda bread takes around 10 minutes to prepare.
The cooking process takes about 30 to 35 minutes.
One loaf makes one dish, which may be cut into slices and eaten with butter or jam.

I’m sorry, but I don’t have the calorie and nutritional statistics for this dish. However, because no additional sugar is needed to make soda bread, it often has fewer calories than bread produced with yeast. Wholemeal flour is a beneficial Buttermilk is a rich source of calcium, vitamin B12, and potassium as well as fibre and minerals including iron, zinc, and magnesium. When consuming any type of food, it’s crucial to pay attention to the serving size and portion management. Furthermore, wholemeal soda bread tends to be more nutrient-dense than bread produced with white flour. More fibre and nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, are included in wholemeal flour. Calcium and other crucial elements are also added to the mix by the use of buttermilk. The fact that soda bread contains butter and other fats, however, means that it is not as low in calories as some other breads. So while consuming soda bread, it’s crucial to pay attention to the serving size and portion management.

As there are numerous variables that might impact the final nutritional value of a dish, it is always advised to visit a professional nutritionist to obtain a more precise nutritional analysis.

Recipe for Mary Berry Soda Bread: how to preserve it

It’s preferable to eat Mary Berry’s soda bread within a day or two of making. To keep it from drying out, it may be kept at room temperature covered in foil or plastic wrap. It may also be kept fresh by being placed in an airtight container.

The bread may also be kept in the refrigerator to keep it fresher for longer. Simply wrap it in foil and bake it for 10 to 15 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius).
Soda bread may be frozen as well and will keep for a while in the freezer. Simply take it out of the freezer and let it defrost before serving by allowing it to reach room temperature.

It’s crucial to remember that soda bread does not keep as well as yeast breads, thus it is preferable to eat it soon after baking.

Be aware that freezing might change the texture of the bread; while the flavour will not change, it may become a little more thick than when it was fresh.

It’s crucial to include the date on the package label so you can remember when you frozen the bread and remember to eat it within three months for optimal quality.

benefits of Mary Berry’s soda bread recipe for health

Due to the ingredients used, Mary Berry’s soda bread recipe provides a few health benefits.

Fiber from wholemeal flour can aid to support a healthy digestive system and ward against constipation. In addition, it has higher levels of iron, zinc, and magnesium than white wheat has in terms of vitamins and minerals.

The recipe calls for buttermilk, which contains calcium and other important elements. Buttermilk is a high source of potassium and vitamin B12, two nutrients that are essential for healthy bones and teeth. The recipe calls for honey, a naturally occurring sweetener with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. It is also a beneficial substitute for refined sugar.

In comparison to other breads, soda bread often has certain benefits. It is a wonderful alternative for those who are allergic to gluten or yeast since baking soda is used in its preparation instead of yeast. It can be constructed fast and simply since it doesn’t need to be proved.

It’s important to constantly keep in mind that the best method to maintain a healthy diet is to eat all things in moderation and to include a variety of foods in your diet.

This recipe should not be used if you are gluten sensitive because it calls for wheat flour.

When consuming any type of food, it’s crucial to pay attention to the serving size and portion management. If you have any dietary restrictions or health issues, you should also speak with a nutritionist or a doctor.

In order to receive the most nutrients and to prevent taking excessive amounts of any nutrient, it is always advisable to have a balanced diet that includes a range of foods.
Because it contains wheat flour, this dish shouldn’t be used if you have a gluten intolerance.

It’s crucial to consider serving size and portion control in consuming any kind of food. If you have any dietary limitations or medical conditions, you should also see a nutritionist or a doctor.

Eating a balanced diet that include a variety of foods is the greatest approach to make sure you are receiving the most nutrients while avoiding consuming excessive amounts of any one vitamin.


To sum up, Mary Berry’s recipe for soda bread is a tasty and simple traditional Irish bread that may be enjoyed by everyone. The bread’s nutty, earthy flavour and subdued sweetness come from the blend of wholemeal and white flour, honey, buttermilk, and baking soda used in the recipe.

The dish offers several health benefits, including being a healthy source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals, as well as a gluten- and yeast-free alternative to yeast breads. If ingested in excess or if you have specific dietary limitations, it also has certain negative health effects.When consuming any type of food, it’s crucial to pay attention to the serving size and portion management. If you have any dietary restrictions or health issues, you should also speak with a nutritionist or a doctor.

Overall, Mary Berry’s recipe for soda bread is a terrific choice to have in your recipe collection since it’s tasty and simple to make bread that can be eaten with butter or jam for breakfast, lunch, or supper.

