GSoC 2023: OpenMRS | Coding period, Week 05

Deborah Kalungi Nsubuga
3 min readJul 4, 2023


In Week 5 of my project, I faced a particularly demanding task: implementing table footers in React-to-Print. This seemingly simple requirement turned out to be more complex than expected. In this blog post, I will share my experiences, the obstacles I encountered, and the solutions I explored to overcome these challenges.

The Challenge:
Last week, while working on my project, I noticed that the table footer was overlapping the content when generating the printable version. This unexpected behavior made it clear that a solution was needed to ensure proper separation between the footer and the table content. However, as I delved deeper into the task, I discovered that generating printable content in React applications comes with certain limitations, especially when it comes to including footers in the printed output.

Limitations of React-to-Print:
React-to-Print is a popular library that enables printing functionality in React applications. However, it lacks native support for footer components. This absence of a standardized method for including footers can lead to challenges in achieving consistent placement across multiple pages. As developers, we rely on clear documentation and well-defined solutions, but in this case, the options were limited.

Exploring Solutions:
To tackle the footer challenge, I delved into the React-to-Print documentation. Two possible approaches stood out: utilizing a CSS grid system or resorting to traditional HTML tables. After careful consideration, I decided to leverage the power of HTML tables, given that the data in my project was already generated using React tables. This choice provided a more seamless integration with existing code and reduced potential conflicts or inconsistencies.

Implementing Table Footers:
Using HTML tables allowed me to overcome the limitations of React-to-Print and achieve the desired outcome. By utilizing the `<tfoot>` element within the table structure, I created a dedicated space for the footer content. This element not only provided a designated area for the footer but also facilitated styling and alignment options.

With the table footer in place, I ensured that it did not overlap with the table content by applying appropriate CSS margin properties. This created a clear visual separation between the two sections, enhancing the readability and overall appearance of the printed output.

Sharing Progress:
After successfully implementing the table footer solution, I shared a preview of the print output with the UX-advisory team for their valuable input. Their feedback and insights provided an external perspective, helping me fine-tune the design and ensure a more user-friendly experience.

Implementing table footers in React-to-Print can be a challenging task due to the limitations and lack of native support for footers. However, by exploring alternative approaches, such as utilizing HTML tables, it is possible to overcome these obstacles.

In my journey to implement table footers, I discovered the power of HTML tables and their inherent support for table footers. Leveraging this capability allowed me to achieve a more elegant and effective solution, ensuring consistent placement and separation between the footer and table content.

current state of the print preview

As developers, we must be prepared to tackle challenges head-on, seeking alternative solutions when faced with limitations. By sharing our experiences and lessons learned, we can empower others to navigate similar obstacles and find innovative approaches to overcome them.

Remember, every challenge presents an opportunity for growth and learning. Through perseverance and a willingness to explore different possibilities, we can successfully overcome the challenges in our development journeys.

