If Life Isn’t What You Want It To Be, Then There Are 2 Things You Need To Do
A Mindset Shift & Flowing
Shit happens. We all know it. Sometimes you have good days and sometimes you have bad days. When you are spiritual, you are supposed to go with the flow, but what does that mean? Are we supposed to be not react? No.
Are we supposed to not judge? Yes.
Can we have preferences? Of course!
Can we control what happens? Nope. If we could, we wouldn’t feel like or think that shit happens.
Being on a spiritual path means getting a sense of what being in the flow is and then doing our best to get into the flow.
In the flow you are more connected to who and what you really are. Another way of saying that is that when you are in the flow, you are more of your authentic, or even your cosmic, self. You see things from a different perspective. Here, shit doesn’t happen. Things happen.
You feel a different set of emotions. You tend to feel more loved, connected to people, life and all that is. You tend to feel like everything is always working out and, while you always do your best, you know you don’t need to worry.
There is nothing to worry about because you tend to be blissful at best and serene at worst.
From Shit To Serene: Can I Please Have Directions?
The 2 Changes To Change It All
To go from where ever you are that is not connected and is likely unhappy to a much more care-free and enjoyable fluid state, you have to do two things: change your mindset and get in the flow.
1. Change Your Mindset
Where you want to be is no-thing. No judgement, no ideas pocking, prodding or pushing you. No feeling bad, unworthy or like you are unloved.
Changing your mindset requires two things:
1 Being willing to change, wanting to raise your experience and being willing to do what it takes.
2 Being open to a new way of seeing life, which may require you to leave old beliefs, values and habits behind.
2. Flow Your Energy
Flowing your energy is a simple, powerful and often enjoyable three step process that enables you to change. When you flow your energy, similar to unclogging a pipe, you increase the flow. Things get cleaned and cleared in you, your psyche and your energy. It frees you to shed masks of your beliefs or experiences and connect with a more authentic version of you.
To flow your energy, just follow these three steps:
1. Welcome your experience
2. Let yourself experience your experience, let it affect you.
3. Let it flow or go.
Similar to eating food every day, flowing is simple. Just as you start digesting your food when you start to eat, when you welcome your experience you start to flow your energy. Also similar to eating, if you never swallowed or if your stomach was blocked, your food would back up and you’d have a stomach ache, at least. When we don’t welcome and ‘digest’ our experience, we too get energetically and emotionally backed up. If this continues, it is followed by difficulty and unhappiness. If it continues, it can lead to great difficulties and even depression.
Is It Easy To Change Your Mind & Get In The Flow?
I’m fortunate in the sence that I have had an amazing flock of parrots. They are exotic pets that are unique, beautiful and sensational. They are animals that, when properly cared for, sure live 20 years for the smaller species and 40 to 50 years for the larger ones.
Unless, of course, they are unfortunate enough to get an uncommon deadly virus with no cure. This virus has cost me thousands in veterinary bills, it has quickly taken away several of my rare birds and broken my heart over and over again.
I’ve had to accept and go through death after death.
The worst part has been that there is no one to blame and nothing to be done. With no hope for a cure, I’m left powerless and with sadness and loss.
Some days this experience is shitty. I work hard to take great care of my birds, so why are they taken away in, what feels like, such a cruel way?
Other days I’ve come to realize that this is just life. It comes and goes. Beyond any blame, misfortune or anything else, I have come to see that the most important thing is to appreciate the birds I have today. I can’t know what tomorrow will bring. A new bird, or the signs of the virus in one of my beloved flock.
I’ve had to come face to face with the fact that the universe doesn’t judge or punish me or my birds. It’s just life.
I am unhappy when my birds die, but there is no right, no wrong.
Actually, there’s just nothing.
No answer to why.
Just nothing.
And that is life. Things happen. In the moment, I may feel that they are good, bad; right or wrong. When I flow them, I feel sad, mad or however I feel. I let it affect me and sometimes it is like a dark cloud casting a shadow over the landscape of my heart. Then I let it go.
And there is nothing.
In Nothing There Is Everything
Life just is.
Things happen and sometimes there is a reason for it, sometimes not but ultimately it doesn’t matter. As you go about our day and your life, you are meant to experience it. A lot of people try not to be affected by it. They may, for example, try to stay positive no matter what.
However, overriding your feelings with positivity is not necessarily authentic, and being inauthentic can disconnect you from yourself and your flow.
Feeling however you feel in the moment and letting the experience affect you, on the other hand, allows you to live life.
We know that life does not live by our rules. It is neither kind nor cruel; it does not reward nor punish us. It is an experience of everything that it offers and of nothing that we keep, save the energy we are.
As such, you will find that when you live your life and then let it flow, you will experience what you do. You will have your desires and pursue your dreams, but then let them go. Your day to day experience is best lived in the flow and then in nothing.
Because it is only in feeling nothing, after you flow, that you will find everything life has to offer.
_About Me_:
For 20 years one of my favorite things has been helping people raise their frequency bringing forward both the dual and non-dual sides. Empower your divine human self and live your dreams-
Teacher & author (under KB Raphael)
Flowing your energy with me on Wednesdays~_[[https://flowing.zone/coaching-session/]
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