Cure Dandruff Naturally With Ayurvedic Remedies

Kama Ayurveda
3 min readApr 12, 2016


Dandruff has become a common concern these days owing to high pollution rate as well as usage of chemicals on the scalp. You might have tried many ways to get rid of this problem, so why not try out Ayurvedic products this time to experience better results. Keep reading to get an insight of some effective remedies.

Coconut oil and its uses

Since the early days, coconut oil is considered to be really good for the hair quality and its growth. Its usage further increases if blended with camphor as it helps fight against the problem of dandruff. Before applying, mix a small amount of camphor with the coconut oil. Camphor attributes cooling effect on the scalp that reduces dandruff. You can even store this mixture in a bottle and use it whenever required or before going to bed. Camphor and coconut oil act as an effective Ayurvedic oil for dandruff.

Another alternative of using coconut oil is along with lemon, as lemon natural qualities to fight against dandruff. But lemon, when applied alone, gets dried up quickly and therefore it is always recommended to mix it with coconut oil for ideal usage. This mixture is generally applied before washing hair and should be kept for at least thirty minutes washing.

Benefits of using curd

Curd is one of the useful ingredients and is used in almost every home. Curd has its own benefits and serves as a potent remedy for curing the dandruff problem. Curd when mixed with a few amount of gram flour is considered to be an effective solution of fighting with the dandruff problem. Gram flour even gives shine and increases the quality of hair.

If lemon juice is added along with curd and gram flour, the mixture becomes more potent for fighting against dandruff. Mix juice of two lemons in a bowl containing curd and applied on the scalp for at least thirty minutes before washing, helps you to get rid of dandruff and its relevant problems. Such home-based Ayurvedic hair products have really great benefits than the chemical based solutions.

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Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the best natural products to be used for the hair related problems. It effectively nourishes the scalp and reduces the dryness that further leads to the dandruff problem. The gel is extracted from the aloe vera leaves and applied on the scalp for a few hours before washing.


Another potent ayurvedic product for dandruff is sandalwood used along with lime juice. The mixture of sandalwood and lime juice is massaged on the scalp and then washed off with mild water. This helps you in getting rid of dandruff along with improving blood circulation, imparting strength to the hair follicles and improving the overall quality of hair. Hence, sandalwood can be employed as a potent ayurvedic massage oil for the hair growth.


Mixing two tablespoons of vinegar with a cup of hot water has a tremendous effect on the hair growth. Applying this mixture on the scalp before shampooing can help you get rid of dandruff in a short span of time.


One of the most common and widely used ingredients for the hair growth is egg and has been used from the ancient times. A mixture of egg and water works effectively to reduce the dandruff problem. Rinse out the mixture with water properly after applying as it leaves a stinky odor otherwise.

Dandruff is not an illness but if neglected for a large time can lead to certain skin diseases. Therefore, its treatment becomes a matter of concern and the best remedy could be using ayurvedic hair care for better results.



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