UAE to host World Congress of International Society of Toxicology

Kamala Wandu
Oct 17, 2022


The 21st World Congress of the International Society on Tocicology (IST) held Monday in Abu Dhabi. This is the first time that the Middle East will host the IST’s 21st World Congress.

The hybrid congress will host 120 specialists, who will attend in person, while more than 2,000 scientists, professionals, and experts in toxicology will participate remotely from 35 countries, including US, European countries and the UAE.

The sessions will discuss many research papers on clinical toxinology, snakebites, antivenoms, recent advances in toxinology, natural poisons and drug discovery, drugs of toxins, poisons and ion channels, structure and function of venoms, toxins in natural history and evolution, marine and freshwater toxins, fungal and bacterial toxins, venoms techniques, proteinic antivenoms, antibodies and toxins.

This hybrid congress affirms UAE’s prominent position and its leadership in housing specialised international events.



Kamala Wandu

Writer | Part time Art Teacher | I write happenings around the Middle East Region| Putting my awesomeness into words |