Wildlife Game — An Adult RPG Game

3 min readJun 19, 2020


This post is taken from explorenew4u.com

Introduction Wildlife — An Adult RPG Game

Wildlife — An Adult RPG Game is one of the more ambitious adult video game projects right next to sup words. The official website of this game is — https://www.patreon.com/adeptussteve. While the official channel for wildlife goes under the name Steve which was first created in 2011. Wildlife was actually first announced summer 2017 that’s just a pion game project made by one person. Which later became a small team’s ambitious dream to create a vast open-world single-player adult RPG with a story. All late 2018 were when the Patreon pitch was made and wildlife so became a fully supported. Small indie studios were able to carry out their dream to become one of the first open-world adult video games. That would provide an actual story and gameplay mechanics.

Beyond six and pornographic content you may look at wildlife and mistake it for an MMORPG of some sort. Because it certainly has a similar style and mechanics and even the way quests carry out. But make no such mistake because wildlife is purely a single-player experience it could easily work as an MMORPG. The developers wanted to and I would not be surprised if the game would later evolve into one. It certainly has been brought up by the developers and the fans but as of now, wildlife is a single-player experience. One that is promised to make its way to steam though no release date has been given yet.

What is wildlife exactly and what can you do in this game?

Think about any MMORPG you might know Guild Wars 2, the world of warcraft, Darkfall. Now remove the MMO part and throw a bunch of anthropomorphic animals in a desert setting. You’ve got yourself wildlife perhaps it’s not the best description for the game. But that’s all I can really think of based on my own experience. Humans are of course part of the game too. It’s not just animals while the story can go anywhere for the finished product. We do have a small taste of the direction the developers are going towards judge by the demo experience. If I’m not mistaken it might have something to do with tribal traditions conflict between humans and anthropomorphic animals. Basically just survival in the wilderness in an era where sharp sticks, bows, and fire are the greatest and latest inventions.

The Wildlife — An adult RPG Game Features

Real-time combat which currently in its early stage might look clunky and perhaps. Even boring but trust me it has the potential to become something great and worthwhile. If given proper time and care the company could easily evolve into something close to Tera combat system. I really wish it will because one thing I always say about these types of games that offer any form of combat. Is making the combat just as addicting as the hentai and not just a minor distraction. That’s how you make really good overall gameplay that keeps bringing people back time. Read More

