Event loop in JavaScript

Kamlesh Singh
3 min readAug 2, 2023
Event loop in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the event loop is a crucial mechanism for managing asynchronous operations and handling events. It allows the execution of non-blocking code, making it possible to handle multiple tasks efficiently without blocking the main thread. The event loop is particularly essential in environments like web browsers where responsiveness and concurrency are vital.

The event loop model in JavaScript works as follows:

  1. Event Queue: When asynchronous events occur, such as user interactions (e.g., click events, keyboard input), HTTP responses, timers, or other asynchronous operations, they are placed into an event queue.
  2. Call Stack: — The call stack is a data structure that keeps track of the currently executing code. It maintains a record of function calls and their respective contexts (local variables, parameters).
  3. Event Loop: — The event loop continuously monitors the call stack and the event queue. When the call stack is empty (i.e., no code is executing), the event loop takes the first event from the event queue and pushes its corresponding callback function onto the call stack. This process is known as “popping an event off the queue.
  4. Execution of Callbacks: — The callback function from the event queue is executed. If the callback itself contains asynchronous code (e.g., an asynchronous API…



Kamlesh Singh

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