1 min readJan 4, 2021


I am the biological grandfather of Cincere & Classic, my grandsons doesn’t deserve the names of irresponsible people such as you. Your lack of concern for my grandbabies disgust my soul. You and your wife’s nonchalant attitude screams guilt. I doubt if my grandsons ever made it to that house in California City. I wouldn’t put it pass you guys to have sold my grandbabies. I guarantee you this, whenever the truth comes out you’ll both will have hell to pay. And this ploy of a statement is total scripted BULLSHIT. Kid outside @ 5pm in the cold playing with chalk.. Shit doesn’t even sound logical. Where were your biological kids @ in the house by the fire? If I were the police or the Feds I would forensically check that previous house you left. I guarantee you Trezell and you Jacqueline both you know where my grandbabies are.. Both your body language screams FOUL PLAY.

