Ryanair Pricing Algorithm Tricks

Kamil Che
2 min readFeb 15, 2016


This is just a quick one to tell what everyone probably suspects already — Ryanair.com changes its prices depending on how many times you check the route. It increases them.

I don’t know whether this is based on the IP address or cookies. That is why when I checked the price for the tickets I wanted again and again. The price jumped to be about 25% more expensive comparing to the day before and the day after. This seemed weird.

I switched off the wireless on my phone and checked the same route on the phone, price went back to normal.

Now I am not gonna mention what route and date etc it was, fearing that the ubiquitous reach of the big companies will pick that up somewhere from the web and I will never travel cheap ever again. Well jokes aside, this is just a piece of advice — do not fall into this one of the simplest sales traps — buying under pressure of rising prices/high demand/running out of stock.

Stay warm. Stay safe. Don’t stay in one place.

[EDIT — 14.03.2016] Another Tip — if you are buying for more than ten people, divide your booking into groups of maximum ten, ie. I was purchasing for 11 people, price of a single ticket went up about 15% which on 11 tickets is quite substantial difference. So I purchased 10 in one booking and 1 in the second transaction. Ending up with the first 10 tickets at a lower price point.



Kamil Che

Ticketing for @tigerdubfringe & more ex marketing mngr @dublinfilmfest, access control and scanners pioneer, Arts, Web & Technology. Writer and Philosopher:)