Turmeric with yogurt for weight loss

kamran kamrani
3 min readSep 2, 2019


Turmeric with yogurt for weight loss

503655 Gahar ir Turmeric with yogurt for weight loss
Turmeric properties:

Turmeric contains powerful antioxidants that prevent infection and keep the skin healthy.

Turmeric is a natural liver cleanser; The liver purifies the blood by producing enzymes and turmeric increases the production of these vital enzymes in the body.

Turmeric can be fresh (fruit) or powder in any way you can; But the best is fresh turmeric.
Turmeric and yogurt for weight loss

In traditional medicine, turmeric is hot and dry and yogurt is cold and wet. Of course our yogurt is hotter too.
148838 Gahar ir Turmeric with yogurt for weight loss
A Slimming Guide

Turmeric contains an active ingredient called curcumin. Curcumin due to its positive health effects can also help to lose weight and lose weight fast. Scientific research on the properties of turmeric for lean surprises you, join us.
Reduce inflammation

Inflammation is not usually a problem, as it is a natural response to injury, infections, and lesions. But when someone’s immune system is damaged by stress or disruption, inflammation that was previously normal quickly gets out of control.

At this time, inflammation, rather than helping the body heal, often attacks healthy tissues. The arteries, joints and organs can be affected.

The more inflammation a person has, the more difficult it will be to lose weight and lose weight because the body is in a weaker and unhealthy state.

Another advantage that turmeric can help to lose weight is its detoxifying properties. When turmeric is consumed daily, it removes toxins stored in the liver, and since the liver plays an important role in fat metabolism, it can increase the chance of weight loss when it works best. help.
Read: History of Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization
Eliminate parasites with turmeric

While it may sound weird, humans are at risk of parasitic infection. Especially those who eat raw meat, live in the tropical climate or lack access to clean drinking water.

This makes it difficult to lose weight. Because parasites take away important nutrients from the body that one needs to exist in order to stay healthy and have the energy needed to live an active life.

Turmeric can act as an effective antiparasitic agent for the body, so one can improve their body system through the use of turmeric. It particularly affects strip worms and protozoan creams that rapidly lower the body’s vitamin B-12 and also affect the body’s metabolism.

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Reduce the formation of new blood vessel formation

Turmeric is beneficial for lean because research has shown that when a person becomes overweight, his body responds to increased fat as blood vessels grow in that area. Animal studies in laboratories have shown that turmeric consumption can help prevent the formation of new blood vessels, thus making weight gain more difficult. Note that turmeric does not damage any existing arteries or blood vessels.

source : ماست و زردچوبه برای لاغری

