A Comprehensive Guide to Cursors in IndexedDB: Navigating and Manipulating Data with Ease.

Amresh Kumar
4 min readJun 17, 2023


IndexedDB is a powerful client-side database that provides efficient storage and retrieval of data in web applications. One of the key features of IndexedDB is the ability to use cursors to navigate and manipulate data. In this article, we will explore the concept of cursors in IndexedDB, their types, and how to use them effectively. We will provide detailed explanations along with coding examples to illustrate the usage of cursors in IndexedDB.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Cursors in IndexedDB
    – What are Cursors?
    – Importance of Cursors in IndexedDB
  • Types of Cursors in IndexedDB
    – Basic Cursors
    – Key Cursors
    – Index Cursors
    – Cursor Direction
  • Using Cursors in IndexedDB
    – Opening Cursors
    – Iterating Over Records with Cursors
    – Manipulating Data with Cursors
  • Advanced Cursor Techniques
    – Filtering Data with Cursors
    – Updating and Deleting Records with Cursors
  • Best Practices for Working with Cursors
    – Limiting Cursor Range
    – Efficient Cursor Usage

Understanding Cursors in IndexedDB

What are Cursors?
In IndexedDB, a cursor is a mechanism for iterating over a set of records in an object store or an index. Cursors provide a way to navigate through data sequentially or non-sequentially, retrieve records, and perform operations on them.

Importance of Cursors in IndexedDB
Cursors play a crucial role in data retrieval and manipulation in IndexedDB. They allow you to efficiently iterate over records, perform filtering, sorting, updating, and deleting operations, making it easier to work with large datasets.

Types of Cursors in IndexedDB

Basic Cursors
Basic cursors, also known as “record cursors,” iterate over an entire object store or an index in the database. They traverse records in the order they are stored.

Key Cursors
Key cursors provide more control by allowing you to navigate to specific records based on their keys. With key cursors, you can move to a specific key, the next key, the previous key, or a key range.

Index Cursors
Index cursors allow you to iterate over records based on an index. They provide efficient access to data based on indexed properties, enabling faster querying and filtering.

Cursor Direction
Cursors can traverse records in different directions, including “next,” “prev,” “nextunique,” and “prevunique.” These directions determine the order in which records are accessed.

Using Cursors in IndexedDB

Opening Cursors
To work with cursors, you need to open them on an object store or an index. Here’s an example of opening a cursor on an object store.

let transaction = db.transaction("MyObjectStore", "readonly");
let objectStore = transaction.objectStore("MyObjectStore");
let cursorRequest = objectStore.openCursor();

Iterating Over Records with Cursors
Once the cursor is opened, you can iterate over the records using the onsuccess event and the cursor.continue() method.

cursorRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
let cursor = event.target.result;
if (cursor) {
// Access the current record

// Move to the next record

In this example, the onsuccess event is triggered for each record. The current record is accessed using cursor.value, and the cursor.continue() method is called to move to the next record.

Manipulating Data with Cursors
Cursors can be used to update or delete records. Here’s an example of updating a record using a cursor.

cursorRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
let cursor = event.target.result;
if (cursor) {
// Update the current record
cursor.value.property = "new value";

// Move to the next record

In this example, the update() method is used to modify the current record. The changes are then persisted using the cursor.update() method.

Advanced Cursor Techniques

Filtering Data with Cursors
Cursors can be used to filter data by specifying a range of keys or values. Here’s an example of filtering records using a key range.

let range = IDBKeyRange.bound("A", "C", false, true); // Records with keys between "A" and "C"

let cursorRequest = objectStore.openCursor(range);

In this example, we create a key range using IDBKeyRange.bound() to specify the lower and upper bounds. The cursor will only iterate over records within that range.

Deleting Records with Cursors
Cursors allow you to delete records during iteration. Here’s an example of deleting records using a cursor.

cursorRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
let cursor = event.target.result;
if (cursor) {
// Delete the current record

// Move to the next record

In this example, the delete() method is called to remove the current record from the object store.

Best Practices for Working with Cursors

Limiting Cursor Range
To improve performance, limit the range of records accessed by the cursor. Use key ranges, indexes, and filtering techniques to retrieve only the necessary records, reducing unnecessary iteration.

Efficient Cursor Usage
Minimize the amount of work performed inside cursor loops. Perform bulk updates or deletions outside the loop to reduce the number of database transactions and improve performance.

Cursors are powerful tools in IndexedDB that enable efficient navigation and manipulation of data. By understanding the different types of cursors, opening and iterating over them, and utilizing advanced techniques, you can effectively retrieve, filter, update, and delete records in IndexedDB. Implementing best practices will further enhance the performance and efficiency of your data operations. With cursors, you have the flexibility and control to work with large datasets seamlessly in your web applications.

In the next article, we’ll explore the topic of indexes in IndexedDB. Indexes serve as a mechanism for efficiently retrieving a specific set of data from a vast dataset. Additionally, we’ll dive deep into the various types of indexes available in IndexedDB and their significance in optimizing data retrieval and search operations.

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Amresh Kumar

Software Engineer with 3 years of experience in building full-stack application.