Top Browser APIs Every Frontend Developer Should Know About

Amresh Kumar
4 min readJun 2, 2024


Unlock the Full Potential of Your Web Applications with These Essential APIs

Welcome to the our exciting new series on essential web APIs for frontend developers! In this series, we will dive into various web APIs that can enhance your web applications, improve user experience, and optimize performance. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting, understanding these APIs will give you the tools you need to build modern, interactive, and efficient web applications.

Exploring the Essential Web APIs

Device & Hardware APIs

  1. Battery Status API — Monitor battery status and optimize your app’s performance based on power availability.
  2. Vibration API — Trigger vibrations on mobile devices for notifications and feedback.
  3. Proximity Sensor API — Detect the distance of the device from a nearby object for context-aware features.
  4. Device Orientation API — Access the physical orientation of the device to enhance user interactions.
  5. Device Motion API — Access motion sensor data to create interactive applications responsive to device orientation and movement.
  6. Ambient Light Sensor API — Adjust the UI brightness based on the surrounding light.
  7. Geolocation API — Access geographical location data for location-based services.
  8. Web NFC API — Interact with NFC tags for contactless information exchange.
  9. Media Capture and Streams API — Access camera and microphone for audio/video capture.
  10. Web Bluetooth API — Interact with Bluetooth devices.
  11. WebUSB API — Communicate with USB devices.

Network & Communication APIs

  1. Network Information API — Access the user’s network type and speed to tailor content delivery.
  2. WebRTC API — Real-time communication capabilities for voice and video calls.
  3. Push API — Enable push notifications for web applications.
  4. Beacon API — Efficiently send small amounts of data to a server without affecting the user experience.

User Interface & Interaction APIs

  1. Fullscreen API — Enable full-screen mode for a more engaging user experience.
  2. Pointer Lock API — Capture and control the mouse pointer for immersive applications like games.
  3. Gamepad API — Support game controllers for immersive gaming experiences on the web.
  4. Pointer Events API — Handle input from various pointing devices such as a mouse, pen, or touchscreen.
  5. Touch Events API — Handle touch input from touchscreens.
  6. Drag and Drop API — Implement drag and drop functionality within web applications.

Storage & Data APIs

  1. IndexedDB API — Client-side storage of structured data.
  2. Web Storage API (localStorage and sessionStorage) — Store data locally within the user’s browser.
  3. Cache API — Cache responses and assets for offline use.
  4. File API — Access and manipulate files on the user’s device.
  5. File System Access API — Read and write files and directories on the user’s device.

Media & Graphics APIs

  1. Canvas API — Draw graphics and animations on a web page.
  2. WebGL API — Render 2D and 3D graphics using the GPU.
  3. Web Audio API — Process and synthesize audio in web applications.
  4. Media Source Extensions API — Stream media content.
  5. Web Animations API — Create complex animations.

Performance & Optimization APIs

  1. Intersection Observer API — Observe changes in the intersection of a target element for lazy loading and other optimizations.
  2. Performance API — Measure and optimize the performance of web applications.
  3. Navigation Timing API — Measure the performance of web page navigation.
  4. Resource Timing API — Measure the performance of resource loading.
  5. User Timing API — Measure the performance of custom user-defined events.

Security & Permissions APIs

  1. Permissions API — Query and manage user permissions for various features.
  2. Credential Management API — Simplify user sign-ins by storing and retrieving credentials.
  3. Web Authentication API (WebAuthn) — Enable strong authentication mechanisms.

Background & Worker APIs

  1. Web Workers API — Run scripts in background threads to improve performance.
  2. Service Workers API — Control network requests and enable offline experiences.
  3. Shared Workers API — Share data and functionality between multiple scripts running in different browsing contexts.

Content & Data APIs

  1. Clipboard API — Programmatically read from and write to the clipboard for seamless data transfer.
  2. Fetch API — Make network requests to retrieve resources.
  3. WebSockets API — Establish a persistent connection between the client and server for real-time communication.
  4. Server-Sent Events API — Receive events from a server in real-time.
  5. Broadcast Channel API — Allow communication between different browsing contexts (e.g., different tabs).

Text & Speech APIs

  1. Web Speech API — Implement speech recognition and synthesis for voice-controlled applications.
  2. Text Encoding API — Encode and decode text.

Document & DOM APIs

  1. Mutation Observer API — Observe changes to the DOM.
  2. Template and Shadow DOM API — Create reusable web components with encapsulated styles and logic.

Additional APIs

  1. Notifications API — Display notifications to the user.
  2. Page Visibility API — Detect when a page is visible to optimize resource usage.
  3. Payment Request API — Simplify the process of accepting payments on the web.
  4. Screen Orientation API — Lock and detect the screen orientation.
  5. Sensors API — Access various device sensors like accelerometer, gyroscope, etc.
  6. Visual Viewport API — Get information about the visual viewport.
  7. Contact Picker API — Allow users to pick contacts from their device’s address book.
  8. Device Memory API — Get information about the device’s memory.
  9. Shape Detection API — Detect shapes like barcodes, faces, and text in images.
  10. WebAssembly — Run low-level binary code in the browser for high-performance applications.

Wrapping Up

Thank you for joining us in this exploration of the top web APIs every frontend developer should know about. By mastering these APIs, you can create more dynamic and responsive web applications that meet the demands of today’s users. Stay tuned for the next part of our series, where we will continue to uncover more powerful tools and techniques for web development.


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Amresh Kumar

Software Engineer with 3 years of experience in building full-stack application.