Rack-attack gem setup to protect Rails and Rack apps from bad clients

Rack middleware for blocking & throttling abusive requests. Protect your Rails and Rack apps from bad clients. Rack::Attack lets you quickly decide when to allow, block, and throttle based on the properties of the request.

Kanani Nirav
3 min readAug 6, 2022

Using this gem you can save your web application from attacks, we can whitelist IPs, Block requests according to requirements, and many more…

Install Rack-attack gem:

# In your Gemfile
gem 'rack-attack'

Plugging into the application

Then tell your ruby web application to use rack-attack as a middleware.

# config/application.rb
# rack attack middleware
config.middleware.use Rack::Attack

Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to configure it. You can do this by creating the file, config/initializers/rack-attack.rband adding the rules to fit your needs.

You can disable it permanently (like for a specific environment) or temporarily (can be helpful for specific test cases) by writing:


Safe listing

Safelists have the most precedence, so any request matching a safelist would be allowed despite matching any number of blocklists or throttles.

  • safelist_ip(ip_address_string)
  • safelist_ip(ip_subnet_string)
  • safelist(name, &block)

Name your custom safelist and make your ruby-block argument return a truthy value if you want the request to be allowed, and false otherwise.


  • blocklist_ip(ip_address_string)
  • blocklist_ip(ip_subnet_string)
  • blocklist(name, &block)

Name your custom blocklist and make your ruby-block argument return a truthy value if you want the request to be blocked, and false otherwise.


throttle(name, options, &block) ( provide limit and period as options)

Throttle state is stored in a configurable cache (which defaults to Rails.cache if present).

Name your custom throttle, provide limit and period as options, and make your ruby-block argument return the discriminator. This discriminator is how you tell rack-attack whether you’re limiting per IP address, per user email, or any other.

  1. For example, if we want to restrict requests other than defined routes and display a custom error page.

Error page:

Error Page

2. If we want to restrict requests/IP and if the request limit increases then send a reminder mail.

For Example, we want to allow only 300 requests per 30 seconds after that will restrict requests from this IP till the next 30-second interval starting.

Get error mail if the limit is extended.


The overhead of running Rack::Attack is typically negligible (a few milliseconds per request), but it depends on how many checks you’ve configured, and how long they take. Throttles usually require a network roundtrip to your cache server(s), so try to keep the number of throttle checks per request low.

If a request is blocklisted or throttled, the response is a very simple Rack response. A single typical ruby web server thread can block several hundred requests per second.

Sample rack-attack.rb file

For more information: https://github.com/rack/rack-attack

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