Hacking the Imaginary: A Journey to Discovering a Blind SSRF

2 min readJun 12, 2024


Hey there, fellow cyber sleuths! Today, I’m taking you on a fun and exciting journey of discovering a blind Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in the Imaginary application. Get ready to laugh, learn, and maybe even score a bounty. Let’s dive in!

Subdomain Enumeration:

So, I was doing my usual recon (a fancy word for poking around), and I found a subdomain: imaginary.example.com. It was running the Imaginary application, an open-source image processing app you can find on GitHub here.(https://github.com/h2non/imaginary)

Endpoint Discovery

Next, I tried brute-forcing some endpoints (basically, guessing the URL paths). No luck. So, I decided to check out the source code of the Imaginary application. And there it was:


The url parameter caught my eye — it looked perfect for testing SSRF.

Me, realizing the url parameter could be the key to an SSRF exploit: “Bingo! This is it!”

Testing for SSRF
I started testing the url parameter by trying different URLs. After a few tries, I managed to perform blind SSRF using the localhost URL in octal format:

In octal notation, 0177.0.0.1 is the same as

Internal Port Scanning:
With SSRF working, I scanned internal ports using burpsuite and found that ports 80 and 443 were open.

I reported the vulnerability to the organization, and they acknowledged it. Then, I received a bounty. Victory!

Thats all for today, bye




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