OSINT:Creating SOC Puppet Account

4 min readMay 24, 2023


In the wacky world of OSINT, the very first step is to create a soc puppet account. Picture this: it’s like having your own wild alter ego, just like Bruce Wayne’s Batman, but with a hilarious twist! Instead of capes and crime-fighting gadgets, our puppet account rocks an oversized sombrero and wields a keyboard of infinite wit. So, in this side-splitting rearrangement, we can say:

“The absolute first step of every OSINT adventure is to create a soc puppet account. It’s basically like having a secret identity, just like Batman, but instead of a dark knight, our puppet account is a master of disguise who changes costumes more often than a fashionista at a clown convention. Get ready for a wild ride as our puppet account uncovers juicy info while rocking a fake mustache, a feathered boa, and a healthy dose of ‘dad jokes’ guaranteed to make even the most stoic cybercriminal crack a smile!”

Sock puppets, much like Bruce Wayne’s Batman alter ego, bring a touch of hilarity to the world of online shenanigans. Investigators don their sock accounts to gather information incognito, feeling like spies in fuzzy disguises. Hackers, with their sock puppet personas, engage in social engineering escapades, cunningly extracting valuable data while twirling their virtual mustaches. And even detectives join the sock puppet brigade, using these sneaky accounts to uncover clues while giggling behind their computer screens. So, whether you’re a secret agent, a mischievous hacker, or a comical detective, embrace the whimsical world of sock puppets and let the laughter ensue!

Lets Start Creating Sock Puppet Account :

The steps can be categorized as follows —

Step 1: The Fake Name
Choose a name that sounds both incredibly ordinary and ridiculously fake. How about “Bob McBobface”? It’s the perfect blend of banality and absurdity. No one will suspect a thing!

There is a website that can help us for that -

Which will give us believable name ,employment , birthday etc.
So many things

Step 2: The Fake Accounts and Fake Background
Now, think of a completely random and outlandish background for your puppet account. Maybe Bob McBobface is a retired circus clown turned quantum physicist who specializes in juggling encrypted packets. He’s the ultimate undercover genius!Now an attacker .
Using the information from https://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ , create accounts on gmail , facebook, reddit ,quora etc. To make your account more believable you can use the same website to create accounts of your fake family. It will totally make your account more believable.

Step 3: The Fake Image
Find a stock photo of a person who looks like they belong in a spy movie. Preferably someone with a mysterious smile and sunglasses, because nothing screams “legitimate security professional” like shades indoors. Voila! Bob McBobface is born.

this can be done easily by the website -

Step 4: Aging the Account
reating a truly convincing SOC puppet account requires more than just a fake name and background. We’re talking about serious commitment here. To achieve the perfect level of authenticity, you must dedicate a minimum of one year to aging your account. Yes, you read that right — this is a slow-cooked recipe for online deception.

Imagine the patience required as you meticulously craft posts, comments, and interactions over the course of 365 days. It’s like aging a fine wine or waiting for your favorite TV show to release a new season. But hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a top-notch puppet account.

During this year-long process, you’ll have plenty of time to perfect your digital persona, master the art of witty comebacks, and maybe even acquire a taste for obscure memes. It’s like method acting for the internet, except instead of an Oscar, you’re aiming for cyber intrigue and raised eyebrows.

So, find a cozy spot in that coffee shop or library, order another latte, and settle in for the long haul. Remember, good things come to those who wait — and in this case, it’s a well-aged, fully-developed SOC puppet account ready to fool even the most discerning cyber sleuths.

After creating the account you should use VOIP Number ,which will not tie you back to the account .

So thats all for today …




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