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Fate and Other Mysteries

Candle Lighter
4 min readJul 30, 2018


Let me tell you a story, of a girl in love with the stars…..

It does not matter if she was pretty or plain, sweet or sharp, a princess or a dairy maid. For there was only one thing she wanted and that was to touch a star.

Every clear night, when the pin pricks of light seemed almost close enough, she climbed a hill and lay watching them for hours. The sweet night air filled her lungs but could not clear her head of her fantasies.

She wondered if stars were cold or hot to the touch, if you bounced off their hard surface or fell into a soft embrace. Was there music up there? There should be, lyres and trumpets and drums and a high clear voice soaring above it all. A sunset on a star must be a poem, and the following sunrise a triumph.

This is the course her thoughts would take, and she would fall asleep with the galaxy swirling about her head. In the morning, she would be tired, so tired. People would wonder, but she never told, and the promise of seeing the stars again led her through the days and rainy nights.

It must be warned, people with only one desire are often unlucky enough to get it. And Fate decided that the girl should go to the stars. It is, after all, Fate’s job to keep humans alive, whether that is by making sure they find what they need or learn to avoid what they want.

