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A Screw-Up, A Fraud, and A Dead Girl Walk Into a Bar

Candle Lighter
2 min readAug 13, 2018


My own brain doesn’t make sense

Has it ever?

Such a mass of improbable neurons

Spinning through a void

Walking through a crowded room

And the crowd is the mass of other people’s judgement and choices and bright shiny examples of what they want me to be

What I never will be

I can’t

I won’t

Go stick your dreams in someone else’s head

Do you ever watch bad movies just to laugh at the acting?

The slightly-too-long pause before a response

The stilted way they talk as they try to remember their lines

The stiffness in their limbs as they carefully don’t look at the camera

And behind it all

Their blank eyes

With no emotion?

I feel a kindred spirit with all bad actors

Because while they are bad at playing a character

I am bad at playing myself.

My personality seems made up of bits of other people that I’ve copied over the years

