CBD Oil as a Treatment for Autism

7 min readMar 10, 2022

Cannabidiol , sometimes called CBD, is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. Since it does not include THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, CBD does not induce a “high.” It can, however, help to reduce anxiety and lower stress levels — symptoms that are common among people with autism.

Currently, there is some evidence that CBD can help to alleviate specific symptoms and improve behavior in children and adults on the autism spectrum, but research into the safety and efficacy of CBD is in its earliest stages.

About CBD

CBD can be derived from hemp or cannabis (the marijuana plant) and is now legal in many states in the United States and in many countries around the world. It can be purchased without a prescription as an oil, tincture, pill, or chewable pill online and is also an ingredient in edibles ranging from coffee to pastries. It comes in many dosages and at many price points.

Claims for CBD range from the realistic to the absurd. Some websites and companies claim, for example, that CBD can cure cancer (it can’t). On the other hand, CBD does seem to alleviate some untractable symptoms of disorders such as epilepsy, sleeplessness, and anxiety — all common issues for people with autism. According to Harvard Health Publishing, “the strongest scientific evidence is for its effectiveness in treating some of the

How CBD May Help People With Autism

Neither CBD nor any other drug can remove or cure core symptoms of autism, which include social communication challenges, sensory dysfunction, and restricted, repetitive behaviors. CBD can, however, help to alleviate disorders often associated with autism such as epilepsy, anxiety, sleeplessness, and stress.

By relieving the associated disorders, CBD may help reduce some of the most problematic aspects of autism.

For example, it may cause better sleep and lower anxiety (which can reduce aggressive behaviors), fewer seizures (which can lessen stress and make it easier to interact socially), and lower anxiety to make it easier to learn and use social communication skills.

It’s also important to note that sleeplessness and aggression are particularly difficult symptoms for parents, who can quickly find themselves exhausted and overwhelmed. Aggression, in particular, is one of the most challenging behaviors common to autism — oftentimes, this is a reason a parent may place their child with autism in an institutional setting.

Before Trying CBD

Given all of the positive findings for CBD and the low risk associated with it, it may make sense to try using it with your child with autism (or trying it yourself if you are an adult with autism). Before buying a bottle of CBD oil, however, it’s important to follow these steps:

  • Check with your child’s (or your) doctor to be sure that no allergies or sensitivities exist that could cause a reaction to CBD.
  • Check to be sure that CBD is legal in your state, province, or country.
  • Research sources of CBD to be sure the brand you’re using is well-regarded and properly licensed.
  • Take careful notes to be sure you have baseline information about your child’s (or your own) behaviors and symptoms so that you can make a useful comparison before and after using CBD.

Using CBD

CBD comes in many forms and at many dosage levels. Oils taste somewhat bitter, which is why many people prefer chewable candy-like options; of course, it’s important to keep candy-like drugs and supplements out of the reach of children.

In general, it’s best to start with a lower dosage. In fact, studies of CBD for other disorders such as migraine suggest that a lower dose may be more effective.

Lower doses are also more easily tolerated than a higher dose.

When you start using any new supplement, drug, or treatment, it’s important to be sure your child’s doctor is aware of the new treatment and has no concerns about it relative to your child’s health as well as let everyone working with your child know that you’ve started something new and ask them to look for and report any changes in behaviors or skills.

Take careful notes of any changes you see yourself so you can easily review your records to determine how helpful the new treatment really is and keep an eye open for any troubling side effects. Be sure to communicate any side effects to a doctor or healthcare professional immediately.

A Word From My MMJ Doctor

Children with autism grow and learn every day, simply because they are maturing. As a result, there is no simple way to determine whether a change in behavior or an increase in skills is due to a particular treatment or to ordinary maturation. This reality makes it very easy to see a change in behaviors and inaccurately attribute them to the newest treatment you’ve tried. By far, the best way to know whether a particular treatment is truly effective is to be rigorous about evaluating your child before and after its use.

To do this, you’ll need to create or find and use a numerical scale (1 to 5 for instance) to measure your child’s behavior. For example, is today’s angry outburst at a level 1 or a level 5? By carefully evaluating the impact of a new therapy, you can eliminate the likelihood that you’ll make decisions based on wishful thinking rather than on solid evidence.

CBD oil, derived from hemp or cannabis, is emerging as a potential treatment for symptoms related to autism. Learn more about CBD for autism.

CBD Oil for Autism: Can Hemp Oil Be Used for Autism & Where to Buy?

CBD is partly responsible for the shift in opinions regarding cannabis use. It all started with the late Charlotte Figi, a young girl with severe childhood-onset epilepsy (Dravet Syndrome) who managed to effectively control her seizures and gain a normal life thanks to CBD oil.

Since then, CBD has become the subject of global debate. As scientists conduct more research on the health benefits of this natural compound, it appears that natural resources can succeed where conventional treatment options fail.

Autism is one of such conditions.

Some people with autism, as well as the parents of autistic children, use CBD oil to manage the symptoms and improve their daily life.

But what’s the exact mechanism behind CBD’s effects on autism disorders? How do you choose the right product for your needs, and how to tell the difference between a high-quality and low-quality product?

This article will explain everything from roots to branches.

CBD Oil and Autism: Can It Help?

Some people decide to choose natural products over pharmaceuticals because of their growing availability and higher safety profile. CBD is known for helping with the following symptoms:

  • ADHD
  • Addiction
  • Anxiety
  • Autism
  • Depression
  • Mood disorders
  • Psychosis
  • Disturbed sleep cycles

Research on the potential use of CBD for autism is in its infancy as of this writing, but what we have learned so far is very optimistic. For example, an anecdotal study published in the Neurology Journal has found that applying CBD sublingually to autistic patients resulted in the improvement of behavioral problems in 61% of the participants. Communication problems, as well as anxiety levels, dropped by 39% and 47% respectively. The study included 120 participants.

The exact causes of the major symptoms of autism spectrum disorder, such as aggressive and repetitive behavior, social communication difficulties, and sensory dysfunction, are still unknown to scientists. However, CBD has been shown to relieve other symptoms linked to autism, including ADHD, anxiety, and sleep problems.

While CBD may not be the cure for autism — autism doesn’t require “curing” directly, by the way — but it may help patients manage the troubling symptoms that negatively affect the way they function on a daily basis.

Benefits of Using CBD Oil for Autism

Here we shed light on the most promising benefits of CBD oil for autism.

More Stable Sleep

In a study published in 2019 in the Permanente Journal, researchers discovered that people with sleep disorders can benefit from taking CBD. The study reported that 48 out of 72 patients (66.7%) experienced better sleep quality within the first month of their treatment. The results varied throughout the tests, but only three people responded negatively to cannabidiol.

Another study from the Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences found that autistic children suffering from insomnia were able to fall asleep faster and spend more time in the deep sleep stage by taking CBD oil.

Lower Anxiety

The said study from The Permanente Journal reported a significant drop in anxiety levels in 79.2% of the examined subjects. More importantly, the results remained consistent throughout the entire study — without serious side effects. Only a few people reported fatigue and sedation. The study also found that patients were more willing to continue the CBD treatment compared to conventional psychiatric methods.

Anxiety is a prevalent issue among autistic adults and particularly difficult to manage in children and adolescents. Changes in their routine, as well as unexpected events and regular social situations, can deteriorate the anxiousness of those with autism. Using CBD oil to calm anxiety can lead to improvements in other areas of autism, such as selective mutism or nervous tics.

Better Focus and Attention

Autism can negatively impact one’s focus and attention. Autistic children often find it difficult to cope with distractions, such as background noise or even their own thoughts. For others, it can work the opposite way — they may become laser-focused on one task while forgetting about everything else.

People diagnosed with autism also express symptoms of ADHD. This can lead to disruptions in a person’s ability to focus and ignore distraction triggers. Since CBD promotes the efficient use of serotonin, users may find it eases their anxiety. Lower anxiety leads to better focus.

CBD Oil for Autism: Best Brands and Products

For new customers, it can be difficult to find a trustworthy source of CBD among so many different brands. CBD is a booming market, so it’s no wonder that everybody wants to get their fair share of the hemp cake.

However, the market is also largely unregulated and liberal about the manufacturing and labeling CBD products. Buying CBD oil online requires you to do your homework before you trust someone with your hard-earned money. Your research should include information about the source of the company’s hemp, their extraction method, and third-party testing practices.

Going through all of the above is challenging and time-consuming. That’s why we’ve put together a ranking of the best 5 brands offering CBD oil in 2020. We have selected these companies according to the quality criteria such as hemp sourcing, extraction method, third-party testing, and price-to-quality ratio.




I write about medical cannabis and health