Forever Is A Long Time

Kania Azzahra
2 min readNov 26, 2022

Yesterday you told me,

“I love You”

I said, “for how long?”

You said, “forever”

I said, “how long is forever?”

Forever is a long time

You need to break down

You got a plan, tell me

You got a dream, tell me

For forever is a long time

Forever is a long time

You need to make it clear

If you want me to be in it

Forever is a hard work

Forever is a matter of action

Involving you, me


We don’t live in forever

We live day by day

Forever is a piece by piece

A mosaic of a collage

A petal of a flower

A second of a minute

Forever is a kiss every morning

A breakfast menu I plan all week,

for the whole year,

for the whole life

Forever is a stack of your monochrome shirt

that I wash, I dry, I fold,

and you use — again —

three times a week

for the whole year

Forever is the dishes you wash every night after work

four times a week,

after we finished dinner together

Forever is seeing me getting jealous

by the traffic

that holds you from coming home early

Forever is a long long long time

An impromptu,

A well-planned,

A sudden agenda,

An unexpected,

A dream come true,

A failure,

Of Us



Kania Azzahra

In a long life journey to find peace and strength within. I write to understand.