Just a Jiffy

Kanimoli Ramaiah
Thirty over Fifty
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2023


Photo by Nickolas Nikolic on Unsplash with thanks

Over the hill, they said

When I hit fifty

My lips’re no longer red

Hands shifty

Friends no longer called

The neighbour just frowns

My students no longer enthralled

Even my garden had only browns

Is turning fifty that bad

Such a question made me sad

Didn’t anyone tell you, kiddos

Develop personality, not egos

Do you know what I am?

A library of stuff called wisdom

No college gonna teach you, Pam

All you learn now is just dumb

AI is the game of the day

Machine Learning rocks they say

So, my dear Pam, while you go digital

Learn about life, even if a little

Hitting fifty is really a feat

Though the tummy stops you seeing your feet

It sags everywhere, oh, yes, indeed

But, Pam, we oldies can dance to the beat

Do you know John Travolta

He danced in Grease, what a star!



Kanimoli Ramaiah
Thirty over Fifty

Writer. HR Professional. Consultant. Blogger. Entrepreneur. A Jill of many trades. Rebellious by nature but kind to animals especially dogs. Yes, I have 10!