“I Put The Fear of Me In You”

George Burns as a Lovable Satan

© Warner Bros.

If I didn’t exist, God would’ve had to make me up. I make him look good.
Harry Tophet aka The Devil (George Burns) in Oh God! You Devil (1984)

What do Al Pacino, George Burns, and Elizabeth Hurley each have in common?

They each play three of my favorite versions of the “Dark One.” I’m talking about the evil and unstoppable “Demon.” The “Beast” whom we all fear and who invades our nightmares.

I’m talking about none other than Tom Cruise.

(OK, I’m not, but there are so many Cruise haters out there that I couldn’t resist.)

Of course, Pacino, Burns, and Hurley have memorably put their respective spins on Satan. Pacino brought Shakespearian fire and fury, Burns delivered good old mischievousness, and Hurley oozed with sexy style.

While on the surface, Pacino and Hurley would seem no-brainers to play the devil, George Burns seems like the odd man out among movie Satans.

The reason? Because he already made his mark on the other side of the coin, as the Almighty.

1977’s Oh, God! saw the pitch-perfect casting of Burns as a wise and good-humored Creator who wanted John Denver’s good man to spread the good word. Coming on…



Michael Kantu (Random Access Moods)

I am a writer and audiobook narrator whose "first, best destiny" lies in telling stories. You can also read my work at https://michaelkantu.substack.com