Let’s talk Email Signatures…

2 min readJul 27, 2019


As a developer I never paid attention to email signatures in the past. It was not until 2016, when I was asked to build an email signature tool that I came to understand the significance of email signatures. It was my second company working as a UI developer.

During the development cycle of creating the product, I was fascinated by the immense potential of email signatures. Yet the tools to create a good email signature isn’t perfect in most of the web clients.

You may wonder what is so special about email signatures?

Well, I had a thought about that too. While conducting research at my previous company I realised Email Signatures can be more than just a name and designation. If customised and used wisely it can be a perfect tool to boost sales which is the lifeline of all businesses’. But not everyone is aware of the varied marketing opportunities that Email Signatures bring along.

It was during this period that I found how emerging businesses and solopreneurs lack the knowledge of Email Signatures. And how they can use Email Signatures to their benefit.

The existing solutions in the market didn’t please me. I thought of creating one by myself. Couple of months of thorough research and after a year of development I created an email signature marketing platform and named it Curatemails.


As a frontend developer I had huge expectations with the UI and how the product should behave. So I asked a friend who was a designer to create a custom design for the entire dashboard. I kept repositioning the elements until the UI was perfect. I also made sure that the code I was writing was self-explanatory. As a solo developer working on the project I ensured every code written was as per standards.The development time was hence drawn out.

Building a product independently creates great pressure and self-doubts. Nonetheless, persistence paid off and I was recently able to launch the beta version of the product with features allowing you to customize email signatures with campaign’s which includes rich previews, banner ads and templates. You can also measure the campaign’s progress from the additional analytics feature which will give you the overall and unique impressions of your campaign.

I am working aggressively to ship more features soon. You can signup for a demo here: https://www.curatemails.com/demo or contact us at hello@curatemails.com. All feedbacks are welcomed.

Email signature with a campaign

