Color Your Dream Office or website

Kanwal Rasheed
2 min readAug 6, 2022

Color speaks louder than words. Recent study has proven that colors can trigger emotions and cause us to feel fantastic. Different hues can make us feel hostile, aggressive happy, energized, safe, and even hungry.

Within the context of your office environment the right color scheme is crucial as some colors motivate, while others distract.

  1. Lavender has a soothing effect. It helps relieve migraines and is good for intellectually demanding work. Deep purple conveys grandeur and luxury. Muted purples are ideal for businesses related to designing and aesthetics.
  2. Pink is said to suppress hostile, aggressive and anxious behavior. Dusty pink is the latest and most exotic pink used in office spaces.
  3. Green is restful and rejuvenating and is one of the best colors to use in spaces where creative thinking and brainstorming is done. Green stimulates thought process and promotes balance and harmony between colleagues. So, green color can be used for outdoor activities goods, camping, fishing, or companies who want to relax their beloved customers.
  4. Blue has a calming effect. It promotes clear communication. This color enhances the impression of raised ceilings and receding walls and is ideal to make compact offices look wider. Shades of blue exude comfort and ease.
  5. Warm colors like reds, yellows and oranges are active and almost appear to be moving towards you.
  6. Use bright colors as accents, rather than as the main wall color warm hues are cheerful and invigorating for people seeking stimulation.
  7. Warm, muted tones tend to work better than bold, bright colors, which tend to cause distraction in a working area
  8. Neutral shades like beige, russet browns, and cream variations to deep golden browns encourage a sense of comfort and are almost always a good background color.
  9. Darker colors are used for information-processing. Bright colors represent energy and action.
  10. Utilize your precious time to ensure that all of your color choices accurately reflect your office, your brand and your target audience. This extra effort will make a big difference on purchasing decisions and brand sentiment.
  11. With so many of us working from home, our offices can provide a welcome change of scenery. Especially if you’re lucky enough to have a separate space to call your own. It’s also the perfect place to take a design risk, so try a color or style that speaks to you.



Kanwal Rasheed

Compassionate and systematic professional in pharmaceutical services. Specialist in diagnosis & analysis. Writing about health, lifestyles, Food and Finance.