ChatGPT empowered to access the internet through new OpenAI plugins

Kapcho Web Solutions
2 min readMar 24, 2023


OpenAI’s ChatGPT has been making waves in the world of artificial intelligence and chatbots since its creation. However, it seems that the folks at OpenAI are not content to rest on their laurels, as they have recently introduced a new feature to ChatGPT that will allow it to interact with third-party websites and retrieve information from the internet.

The new plugin feature will be initially available to a small group of users for testing, with a waitlist for others to join. The plugins will allow users to access information, run computations and use third-party services. Currently, there are 11 plugins available, including those for booking flights and ordering food, and the number is set to grow. Supported websites include Klarna, Expedia and Slack.

The addition of this feature comes in response to user demand for more recent data. With the ability to retrieve information from third-party websites, ChatGPT will be able to provide more up-to-date and accurate responses to users. This is particularly important for industries such as travel, where information can change rapidly.

One of the key benefits of the plugin feature is that it will allow users to complete tasks directly within the chat window. For example, if a user wants to book a flight, they can do so without leaving the chat window. This will make ChatGPT even more user-friendly and convenient.

The potential applications for the plugin feature are vast. For businesses, it could provide a new way to interact with customers and provide a more streamlined experience. For individuals, it could help with tasks such as ordering food or booking travel. As more plugins are added, the possibilities will only continue to grow.

Overall, the introduction of the plugin feature is an exciting development for ChatGPT and its users. With the ability to retrieve information from third-party websites and interact with them directly within the chat window, ChatGPT is becoming even more powerful and useful. As the number of plugins continues to grow, the potential applications are endless. It will be fascinating to see how this feature evolves and how users make use of it.



Kapcho Web Solutions

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