Building Your Stunning GitHub Portfolio: A Step-by-Step Guide

2 min readOct 14, 2023


Are you a developer ready to showcase your skills and projects to the world? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of creating an impressive portfolio website using GitHub Pages. It’s a fantastic way to highlight your work, share your story, and stand out in the tech world.

Step 1: Set Up a GitHub Account

If you don’t have a GitHub account, create one at It’s the go-to platform for version control and hosting projects.

Step 2: Create a New Repository

  1. Click on the ‘+’ sign in the top right corner.
  2. Select ‘New Repository.’
  3. Name your repository as [your-username] This is crucial for GitHub Pages to work.

Step 3: Choose a Theme

GitHub Pages supports Jekyll themes. Navigate to the ‘Settings’ tab in your repository and scroll down to the ‘GitHub Pages’ section. Choose a theme to give your portfolio a polished look.

Step 4: Customize Your Portfolio

  1. Access your repository’s code.
  2. Open the _config.yml file to configure settings such as your name, bio, and social media links.
  3. Add or edit Markdown files in the _posts directory to showcase your projects.

Step 5: Project Pages

Create a new directory for each project. Include an file with project details, images, and code snippets. Link these project pages from your main portfolio page.

Step 6: Local Testing with Jekyll (Optional)

If you want to test your site locally, install Jekyll by following the official guide. Run bundle exec jekyll serve in your project directory and access http://localhost:4000 in your browser.

Step 7: Commit and Push Changes

Once satisfied with your changes, commit them to your repository and push to GitHub.

git add .
git commit -m "Add project pages and customize portfolio"
git push origin master

Step 8: Access Your Portfolio

Visit [your-username] in your browser. Voilà! Your portfolio is live.

Tips for a Standout Portfolio:

  • Clear Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and your skills.
  • Project Showcase: Highlight key projects. Include project descriptions, technologies used, and links to the GitHub repositories or live demos.
  • Blog Section (Optional): Share your insights and experiences in the tech world.
  • Contact Information: Make it easy for visitors to get in touch.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Presence with GitHub Pages

With your GitHub-hosted portfolio, you’ve created a dynamic showcase of your skills and projects. Keep it updated as you grow in your tech journey. Happy coding, and here’s to your impressive online presence!

Ready to dive in? Check out an example portfolio repository for reference.

