Mulligan to Victory: Understanding the Key Decisions in Winning a Magic Match

NukalA KapoorI
2 min readMay 8, 2024

In the intricate world of Magic: The Gathering, victory isn’t just about the cards you draw or the spells you cast; it’s about the decisions you make from the moment you take your first mulligan to the final triumph. Every move, every choice, shapes the outcome of the game. Let’s delve into the critical decisions that pave the path to a Magic win.

Mulliganing Wisely: The opening hand sets the tone for the entire match. Knowing when to take a mulligan is crucial. Balancing the potential of a better hand against the risk of losing cards is an art. Recognizing when to accept a less-than-ideal hand or when to seek better odds through a mulligan can significantly impact your chances of success.

Strategic Card Selection: Each turn presents a myriad of choices. Deciding which card to play, when to hold back, or when to unleash a powerful spell requires careful consideration. Understanding the dynamics of your deck and anticipating your opponent’s moves are essential in making strategic card selections.

Reading the Board: Magic is as much about what’s on the battlefield as it is about what’s in your hand. Assessing the board state, evaluating threats, and identifying opportunities are fundamental skills. Recognizing when to go on the offensive, when to adopt a defensive stance, or when to bide your time can turn the tide of the game in your favour.

Adapting to Your Opponent: Flexibility is key to victory. Your opponent’s deck and playstyle may differ from yours. Being able to adapt your strategy on the fly is crucial. Whether it’s adjusting your tactics to counter their game plan or exploiting their weaknesses, the ability to adapt ensures that you stay one step ahead.

Maintaining Composure: In the heat of battle, emotions can run high. Staying calm and focused, even in the face of adversity, is paramount. A clear mind allows for better decision-making and prevents costly mistakes. Remember, the game isn’t over until it’s truly over, and maintaining composure can turn the tables even in the direst of situations.


In conclusion, winning a Magic match isn’t just about luck or having the perfect deck; it’s about making informed decisions every step of the way. From the initial mulligan to the final victory, each choice you make shapes the outcome of the game. By understanding the key decisions and mastering the nuances of gameplay, you can increase your chances of achieving that elusive Magic win.

