Sonia Kapoor
3 min readNov 4, 2015

What is IVF? Who Can Opt for it?

If you have not been able to conceive through natural methods, there are other methods through which you can conceive, and one of them is in vitro fertilization or IVF.

What happens during IVF?

During natural conception, the sperm and egg come together in the Fallopian tubes of a woman. The sperm that can penetrate the egg triggers fertilization. IVF is a procedure wherein fertilization doesn’t occur in the body of the woman, and instead in the laboratory.

In IVF, the eggs are extracted surgically from a woman’s body and mixed with sperm in a lab. Once fertilization occurs, the embryo is implanted into the womb. The process is called in vitro fertilisation ‘in vitro’ meaning ‘in glass’ or a dish (culture).

The embryo is transferred about a couple of days post fertilisation. In some cases, doctors wait for a five-day period post fertilisation to wait for the embryo to reach blastocyst stage. The chances of pregnancy and retaining the pregnancy are higher if you have a transfer of the blastocyst. However, this transfer is offered only if you have undergone an IIVF before, and the embryo didn’t implant properly.

Cycles and success rate

One IVF cycle could last anywhere between four and six weeks. If you have been wondering about the rates of success, it certainly depends on your specific problem and age. The chance of a successful IVF increases if you are younger. The older you are, the risk of failure could be greater.

The rate of success is greater if you have maintained a healthy lifestyle and your general medical condition is good. Make sure you have a healthy BMI, lower than 30. Also, follow a good diet-exercise programme, avoid smoking and drinking and generally keep anxiety and stress under control.

Who can opt for IVF?

IVF is not the only form of treatment for women with fertility issues; you could be treated with medication and surgery as well.

  • IVF is ideal for you if you have a blockage in the fallopian tubes. If there is any tubal damage as well, you could opt for IVF.
  • Another scenario wherein a couple could opt for IVF is when the male partner has a poor or low sperm count. Also, if sperm motility is low, IVF could be a good option.
  • If there is no cause for infertility, and other forms of treatment have not worked, you could opt for IVF.
  • If you have suffered from endometriosis wherein the uterine lining grows outside the uterus and affects the fallopian tubes, you could choose IVF.
  • If your ovaries have failed to function normally before you turned 40 or you have no eggs for regular release, you could opt for IVF. Any ovulation problems or absence of ovulation could also make you a candidate.
  • Genetic problems that could pass on to your future offspring could also lead you to opt for IVF. If you have been under chemotherapy or radiation, IVF could be your chance at conception. Seek the guidance of an IVF specialist in Bangalore on the same.

If you have any fertility-related problems, you should visit a centre offering IVF fertility treatment in Bangalore.