Art of Meditation and Visualization

Shivani kapoor
5 min readOct 20, 2023


Meditation activities are considered an art, which is frequently admired by people. A hell of practice can make you perfect in this art. You will be considered as a real master of meditation through patience and practice. You have to become a master of visualization art if you really want to bring perfection in the art of meditation.

Visualization is an art commonly used by more or less every person. However, this art is mostly marked within the children. Technique of visualization is less used by a person as he grows up. Generally, kids are full of wild visualizations and imaginations. Though you are ignorant of it but in reality you also utilize visualization art to some extent. You just need to enhance your ability of visualization to perform meditation successfully.

Mediation very often brings into play the visualization art. Actually, majority of meditation exercises involves visualization inclusively. Therefore, you must be a master of this particular art before making concentration on any of the complicated meditation activities.

Some people are of the view that visualization art can easily be mastered and it is true to some extent. In contrast, some individuals need a real struggle to learn this art. Practice is the only thing through which you can master the visualization art. You should always be ready and determined to allow your imaginations go.

You can perform a very simple exercise to become perfect in visualization art. All you have to do is just pick any of the objects in your house and place it on a table with no other thing on it. Now, look at the object with full concentration and make an effort to absorb all particular details and memorize them if feasible. After this close your eyes and try to imagine the same object in your mind. Now make notice of details you remembered about the object and those you forgot. Also, notice your feelings about the exercise either you feel enjoyment or get stressed.

Now, pay attention to a new object after clearing the details of the previous one. Repeat the same procedure and again ask same questions to yourself. Always pay close concentration to all the relevant information about an object. After completion you realize that there were few gaps while recalling the object’s details, which were filled by your imaginative power.

Visualization art is quite stressful for beginners but they need not to be worried about it as it is considered as normal sign. These stressful feelings will soon die out and you can perform visualization related exercises with full ease.

How to Start Visualization Meditation

Starting visualization meditation can seem challenging, especially if you’re new to the practice. Follow these in-depth steps to ease into the process and enhance your visualization skills:

Find a Quiet Space

Get Comfortable

Take a Deep Breath

Begin VisualizingUtilize Guided Visualizations

Maintain Your Focus

Return to the Present Moment

Benefits of visualization meditation

The benefits of visualization meditation, especially if you practice with some regularity, are the same as other meditation practices:

Increased focus

Visualizing specific details associated with the bigger picture in your mind require you to work out those brain muscles and focus.

Reduction in anxiety and stress

No matter your profession, playing all outcomes of a big event in your head before it happens in real life will help the event feel more familiar and decrease the levels of stress and anxiety associated with it.

Improved Mental Health

Regular meditation practice, including visualization meditation, can improve symptoms of anxiety, depression, and pain.

Boosting the immune system

Your mind and immune system are connected. By visualizing and keeping yourself in top shape through nutrition, sleep and decreased levels of stress, your immune system will become stronger.

More self-compassion

Picturing yourself achieving the goals you want to achieve makes them become more tangible — and in turn you start believing in your ability to get there.

Tips to Help with Practicing Visualization Meditation

Start with Simple Images

Engage All Your Senses

Set a Clear Intention

Be Patient and Consistent

Combine Visualization with Other Meditation Techniques

Practice Regularly

Do this Exercise to master Visualization.

If you want to master visualization, you can do this easy exercise. Pick a particular object in your home, clear your table, and leave nothing but the thing. Have a look at your chosen object and try to absorb all the details. You can try looking hard at the size, color, shape, and shade. Then, memorize all the details if possible.

The next step is to close your eyes and try to picture your chosen object inside your mind. Ask yourself if you remember or forgot a few of the details. While doing this, think about your feelings and about the exercise. Ask yourself again if you feel uncomfortable about the exercise or if it interests you.

Now, clear the object inside your mind — picture one other object inside your home. Observe and pay attention to the details. After, open your eyes and search for that particular object. Was the object identic to that pictured inside your mind? Did you miss out on specific details? If that is the case, which ones? Once again, you have to ask yourself what you feel while doing the exercise.

Now, returning to the table and keeping the past object in mind is essential. Pay close attention to all the details. After this, try to put the object in its correct surroundings.

Visualize frequently

If the final round of the competition is a few weeks away, try to set aside time for visualization every day until then. As stated before, with enough repetition, the mind is unable to distinguish between reality versus imagination. Daily visualization is like training for a marathon. The more practice you get, the more familiar your brain will become with those thoughts. It’s like training your brain for the Monaco Grand Prix–without the cool cars.

Like meditation, you can practice visualization anywhere…and it’s free! You might practice visualization while you’re in line at the grocery store, or while you’re getting ready for your day. The possibilities are endless.

