My First Internship at Oasis Infobyte

Rohit Kar
2 min readAug 2, 2023


I recently completed a month long internship at as a java developer and the experience gained through this was quite exciting as this refreshed my previous knowledge of java programming.
It helped me to gain real world experience and get a virtual hands on experience in the corporate field. I was tasked with three projects for the month, each of which challenged me in different ways and helped me grow as a developer.

In the first task I created a number guessing game which was created by using the basics of java which includes the concepts of modules and classes in java programming.
The player in this game will be given 5 chances and the player must guess the number within the remaining steps left and points will be alloted based on the remaining steps.

In the second task, I created a virtual ATM machine which has the basic funtions of showing transaction history, deposit section, withdrawal section, transfer section and an exit section.
Combining all these section a virtual interface was created which aims at providing all the basic features.

Overall, the internship was a great experience. I’ve learned a lot about java programming and I’m grateful for the opportunity which allowed me to apply what I’ve learned. Also the projects I worked upon helped in brushing up foundation skills again.
In short, my java developer internship was a rich and unforgettable experience. I have been able to gain practical experience in this field and put into practice the theories and concepts that I have learned in my classes.
Finally a great thanks to Oasis Infobyte for providing me with such an opportunity and gain an idea about the world outside the box.

