EOS Half Life Vote

Kartik Mandaville
1 min readJun 15, 2018


EOS has a very interesting half life vote mechanism.

The weightage of the vote halves every year (365 days).

The weight changes every 7 days. ie Monday is the same as Friday.

Base time for calculation of weight is Jan 1st, 2000.

Now instead of rewriting the weighted vote to the blockchain every time, Dan came up with the idea of increasing the weight of the future votes. eg Jan 1st, 2019 is 2¹⁹ and Jan 1st, 2018 is 2¹⁸ — this makes the vote on Jan 1st, 2019 twice as powerful as Jan 1st, 2018.

For more information, you can check out the code here:


Our team fixed a bug in the EOS Portal: (https://github.com/EOSPortal/eosportal-front/pull/60)



Kartik Mandaville

CEO @springroleinc, building a professional profile through a verification and attestation protocol, on the blockchain.