SpringRole — Everyone is a Recruiter

Kartik Mandaville
5 min readMar 11, 2015

Huge problem

Hiring the right person is one of the most important decisions for a company of any size. Ask any hiring manager and there are two common road blocks:

  • The best candidates are already employed and they get annoyed by persistent recruiters.
  • Recruiters get overwhelmed by external candidates, who are simply not qualified.

Elegant solution:

Enter SpringRole — a crowdsourced recruiting network powered by referrals. While we all know referrals are the best way to hire, no one has been able to crack this nut. There are plenty of Employee Referral products but none of them went beyond employees and scaled to a multi-million users network.

We understand multi-network candidates

We built a network of 7.1 million passive candidates through our community of SpringRollers. It’s a social graph — we understand how these candidates are connected. Whether its Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google or the phone book, we have it all.

SpringRole is growing by over 500,000 passive candidates per month.

Passive Candidates by Month

We are democratizing recruiting

We’re doing for talent recruiting what Kayak, Orbitz and Priceline did for travel. You no longer work with a travel agent to find the best flight, hotel, or even rental car. And now, you don’t need a recruiter to find you the best talent.

With SpringRole, you can be sitting at home, watching a game, and STILL recruit a top-notch engineer for SpaceX, or refer a contact for the CFO job at Ouya — both of which have been filled, thanks to the SpringRole community :)

You’re happy to help a friend get the right job, why not get paid for it?

Below are the number of referrals sent every month by our community for active jobs on our marketplace.

Number of referrals by Month

Ignoring the first few months of building the system, we’ve been adding around 15,000 referrals per month.

Dave Thomas — who got referred for CTO for del.icio.us — is now a power recruiter:

SpringRole matched me so well that I want to help my friends have the same experience. I would even go so far as to say that SpringRole is how I win at life!

Thank you Dave — you certainly win at life ☺

We’ve written 2,000 checks to our community for over $45,000. All for helping their contacts advance their careers.

Getting paid to use your phone

And yes, we are mobile! Ever imagine how you could make money from your phone? Our app does just that. It only takes one click to connect with your address book, LinkedIn, Google, Twitter and Facebook and you are on your way to become a power recruiter.

Mobile Recruiters By Month (small but powerful)

The graph above shows the growth of our mobile app users. People refer when they are on the go, no need to be in front of their computer.

About 60% of the referrals happen on the phone.

Here’s what Marli, a self made recruiter through our app, has to say:

I discovered Spring Role through word of mouth and I liked the ease of use for the app. In less than a minute, it synced with my LinkedIn connections, found a half dozen referrals, and with just a few clicks, I had sent my friends job opportunities and even made a few bucks for myself by means of helping them — a win, win!

From Entry Level to Senior Level — SpringRole hires them all.

  • OuYa hired a CFO in just 3 weeks for $699, yes you read it correctly $699. That’s the CFO of a company which has raised $33.6M.
  • Dollar Shave Club hired a person in under a week, and they just raised a $50M round.
  • Medium got a bunch of Software Engineers in the Bay Area for just $699. That’s the Bay area where a recruiter would charge over $20,000.
  • It’s not only big names we offer— we have a bunch of upcoming startups too. Lucky Day, Cargomatic, Delicious and so on.

OuYa was prepared to pay $25,000 for the right CFO. Our community helped identify the right person for $699.

Growing Traction in India

And by the way, our growing base of clients in India is also increasing consistently. From big media houses(YourStory), to International brands(Uber), to startups(SquadRun), to call centers(QED), to dev shops(IntelliGrape), we’ve got it all.

Recruiting quality talent internationally is difficult for companies of all sizes. SpringRole makes it simple, fast, and affordable.

Secret Sauce

And all this has been possible because of the one thing which no other company has: At the heart of our system lies a Recommendation Engine — the product of a Machine Learning thesis project at the world’s #1 Computer Science university — Carnegie Mellon University.

Other than the usual fields (experience, education, skills etc), our recommendation engine normalizes the candidate’s seniority by evaluating a variety of metrics at their current vs prospective company, considers the user’s social clout, checks your karma on geek forums and reads your blog posts. Basically it does what people now call Deep Learning.

From left: Jason, Hank, Kartik, Benoit and Mingyang.

To the team of four grads(Kartik, Mingyang, Hank, Jason) from CMU, add a VP(Benoit) of the third largest ad network in the US and a recruiter(James) coming from a 35 year old family staffing enterprise — you get SpringRole. Benoit and I have been working together for 3 years at Science. Mingyang, Jason and Hank were my class-mates at CMU where we worked on the thesis project together. Upon graduation, they turned down offers from the most prestigious tech companies in the world to work on SpringRole:

Our vision

I envision a world where millions of influencers can help 7 billion people find the perfect job. Where companies of all sizes can hire the right talent without being subjected to exorbitant commission-based placement fees.

Where we can all stop spending so much our time trying to locate the right candidate or the right job and finally get back to what we all love to do: building great companies.

If you have any questions, find me on SpringRole and check us out on Product Hunt.



Kartik Mandaville

CEO @springroleinc, building a professional profile through a verification and attestation protocol, on the blockchain.