Ali Karabeyin212.vc212 backs Bolt Insight9 out of 10 products and services fail within the first two years post-launch on the market. Consumer expectations and preferences are…Jun 21, 2022Jun 21, 2022
Ali Karabeyin212.vcInsider unlocks unicorn statusBack at the start of the pandemic, I wrote about Insider. The company had raised a $32 million Series C funding round — a significant…Mar 9, 2022Mar 9, 2022
Ali Karabeyin212.vcHiperbolik SerzenişlerPsikoloji, davranışsal ekonomi meraklıları bilir; hiperbolik indirgeme (eng. hyperbolic discounting) günlük hayatımızı etkileyen bir…Sep 18, 2020Sep 18, 2020
Ali Karabeyin212.vcProud to be the part of this adventure as 212It’s a big week for the Turkish startup scene.Jul 21, 2020Jul 21, 2020
Ali Karabeyin212.vcInvestment in AppSamuraiWe are delighted to announce our investment in AppSamurai, the Mobile Advertising Platform with a cutting-edge product portfolio to…Feb 26, 2020Feb 26, 2020
Ali Karabeyin212.vcBenim gibi biri“Nereden başlayacağıma karar veremiyorum. Her fırsatı değerlendirmeye çalışıyorum ama çoğu oluyor. Odak dağılmaya başladı. Yurt içi işleri…Jul 8, 2019Jul 8, 2019
Ali Karabeyin212.vcWhat’s your ‘Baby Shusher’ of choice?Let’s start with the not so obvious; what’s a Baby Shusher?Apr 25, 2019Apr 25, 2019
Ali Karabeyin212.vcInvesting in ODCI first listened to Oğuz pitch at the Inogate event in November 2015.Apr 18, 2019Apr 18, 2019
Ali KarabeyGirişimci arkadaşlara önerilerGirişimci arkadaşlarla yaptığım toplantılarda dikkatimi çeken noktalar oluyor. Onlardan birçok şey öğrenirken bizim de kendilerine yeni…Feb 14, 20193Feb 14, 20193