10 Great Websites to Learn Coding

Barış Karaman
The Startup
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2015


Stop trying to find a developer. Start building your own project.

Here is the list of 10 websites that you can start learning programming.

1- Freecodecamp

Offers a distinctive experience. Learn HTML&CSS, Full Stack Javascript, Databases and more. In the end, you can be part of a nonprofit project and start building.

2- The Odin Project

Follow the learning path to be a Web Developer. Wonderful example like Freecodecamp but focused on Ruby on Rails.

3- Udacity

Most detailed courses I have ever seen. They cover the topics in depth and teach them by examples.

4- Treehouse

Has a very user-friendly design. You can follow the tracks like Web Development, Web Design, Rails, Ruby, Python, Swift & many more.

5- Thinkster

One of the best guides for learning AngularJS. They are frequently adding new contents like Swift, MEAN Stack, Django, Firebase and etc.

6- Codeacademy

Free and well-prepared guide for absolute beginners. It consists of Rails, AngularJS, HTML&CSS, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, Python and etc.

7- Stuk.io

Amazing website for people who want to learn Ruby on Rails by building real projects like dating app, social network and etc.

8- Dash

A good way to start. Learn HTML, CSS and Javascript through projects.

9- Code4Startup

Learn programming with projects like Udemy, Airbnb and more.

10- One Month

Learn Rails, HTML, Python and Swift for IOS in one month.

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Published in Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking


