The sound of silence.

Ethereal Silences
2 min readFeb 1, 2016


My heart yearns. You stand next to me, I want to speak but words freeze inside me.
You sit in front of me, but my eyes shy away from making the contact.

The silence that we share when we are one, together.. The silence which makes me want to spend endless hours soaked in those tranquil thoughts..moving my hands over your head.. tucking your hair behind your ears..holding your hand, looking at you while you’re gazing at the night’s sky. We conversed in our language of silence, words seemed incapable of carrying our feelings and emotions. We sat for hours lost in the abyss of our thoughts, time and season changed at our whims in the world we engendered.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Reality struck me hard. You haven’t spoken a word to me apart from that ‘Hi’ since you arrived 20 minutes back. And that silence is questioning the love I hold for you, toying with my heart every passing moment.

I sense myself drowning in the voices around me. You direct question to someone else, my lips move instead to answer you. You are perplexed, shocked and numb. Me too.

You were inquiring – “Whom do you love the most..” When I blabbed your name before you could finish the question.

Silence. Again.

Oh! We must not have made any sound while kissing.

~ Quote from A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens

