Tutorial-4-(My Experiences)-Dynamic Programming

Code Lover
4 min readNov 29, 2019


My video tutorials on competitive programming:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4AK8Q7_wcM

Woohoo !!!

Part-4 has come!!

Party time?!!

Link to previous(3) tutorials :

  1. https://medium.com/@karangujar43/tutorial-3-my-experiences-dynamic-programming-c711b9ff1071
  2. https://medium.com/@karangujar43/tutorial-2-my-experiences-dynamic-programming-7254e35cec1a
  3. https://medium.com/@karangujar43/tutorial-my-experiences-1-dynamic-programming-5fa956967c6d

Description of this tutorial :

“It consists of the concept which strengthens your iterative dp skills(bottom-to-top) approach.”

Dp is the most feared topic in competitive-programming and coding interviews.


Because at most of the places on internet and standard books,it is taught in a way which is very formal, not very intuitive,only recursive approaches,etc.

In my tutorials, I have been successful to teach complex concepts because my way of teaching is totally different. I personally connect with the reader in my writings. I know how he/she feels and what they want. I clear the most basic things,let you grow a strong foundation in the topic,share my experiences which finally lets you fall in love with the hard topics :-) I love to make things easy for understanding!!

There is no step-by-step course/tutorial on internet to improve your dynamic programming skills and hence people get lost in the deep ocean .

Making these tutorials takes lots of my effort and time, so I am selling this tutorial-4 at a mere price of 10 rupees.(Indian Currency)[for the first 100 buyers]

It has reached the 100 buyers list.Now, the price of tutorial is:-20 Rupees.

This 4th tutorial will make your dp concepts much stronger, it is much more fantastic compared to the first three tutorials.

It will teach you how to think in a dp-way :-)

And soon enough, there will be no problem you cannot tackle!!

For Indians:-(Only Paytm/Phonepay)

  1. Email me “yes-dp-tutorial-4” and your contact number through which you will send the money.
  2. I will reply “yes” to that email with my contact number(paytm/phonepay)
  3. Transfer the money to that number and I will mail you the tutorial-4(in pdf format) in few minutes.

For people outside of India:-

  1. Just mail me “yes” and I will explain the further process in detail.

My email:-shalinitomar1344@gmail.com

This complete series will be of 25-parts(1,2,3,4,5…..25) , at the end of which you will be an expert in dp ;)

From tutorial-5 on-wards,it will contain video and practice problems as well for better understanding.

Now, lets discuss a nice dp problem which is not the part of 4th tutorial,just for fun(it won’t be as detailed as I explain in tutorials usually and its only for those who are a bit comfortable with dp) :-)

This question was asked to me by a 3rd-year undergraduate at some NIT. He was asked this problem during his interview for Microsoft Internship. He later messaged me for this problem’s solution. I think it is a good problem to brush up dp so I am answering it here :-)

Find the number of different ways in which groups (partitions) can be formed of a set and the maximum size of the group is 2?

For n=3,

if n=3, i.e, A,B,C are the three persons, different groups can be :


2) ab/c



So total 4. The output should be 4 for input n=3.

Finally, O(N) solution is:

dp(i)= dp(i-1)+(i-1)*dp(i-2) .

Explanation (1) :

Say {a1,a2……….a5}, we have,and we know its answer already,say its dp[5].

Now,if I try to add {a6} , what I can do is :->

1)Keep it alone.Keep it separate from everybody else in the group. So the answer is same as dp[5].

Hence. dp[6]=dp[5].


2)Add it with one of the guys, say I join it with {a2}…so it looks like:→ {a2,a6}…{rest of the guys}, so dp[rest] is the answer, rest=6–2=4, so dp[6]=dp[4], but wait you can join ‘6’ with ‘1’ OR ‘2’ OR ‘3’ OR ‘4’ OR ‘5’. HENCE IN TOTAL ‘5’ CHOICES.

THEREFORE, dp[6]=5*dp[4].

Final conclusion:- dp[6]=5*dp[4]+dp[5].

That’s it.

Detailed Explanation(2) :

For n=2 :



are the solutions.

∴ dp[2]=2.

For n=3 :





are the solutions.Therefore, dp[3]=4.

For n=4, you can simply add “1” to all of the above numbers of ‘dp[3]’.


For n=4:

{1/1/1/1}….added ‘1’ at the end.

{2/1/1}….added ‘1’ at the end.

{2/1/1}….added ‘1’ at the end.

{1/2/1}….added ‘1’ at the end.

Hence, dp[4]=dp[3]=4.

But wait, there are few more numbers to add!

Also, you can add, ‘2’ to all numbers of dp[2]:-

{1/1/2}….added ‘2’ at the end

{2/2}….added ‘2’ at the end

But, these ‘2’ occur 3 times, in different formats in dp[4], hence,

dp[4]=dp[3] + x*dp[2] , where x=3,

if you try for n=5,

dp[5]=dp[4] + x*dp[3], where x=4.

So, we can see the pattern right ? :-)

Hence, for any ‘i’,

dp[i]=dp[i-1]+ (i-1)*dp[i-2] , run a for loop and you are done!

Link to tutorial-5:-

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